نتایج جستجو

Life in the Universe: An Assessment of U.S. and International Programs in Astrobiology
National Research Council, 2003
Preparing the Next Generation of Earth Scientists: An Examination of Federal Education and Training Programs
National Research Council et al., 2013
Partnerships for Solid-State Lighting (Government-Industry Partnerships for the Development of New)
National Research Council, 2002
Nitrates: An Environmental Assessment : A Report (Scientific and technical assessments of environmental pollutants)
National Research Council. Panel on Nitrates., 1978
Neutrinos and Beyond: New Windows on Nature
Neutrino Facilities Assessment Committee National Research Council (U. S.), 2003
Neutrinos and Beyond: New Windows on Nature
Neutrino Facilities Assessment Committee National Research Council (U. S.), 2003
Guidelines for Exposure to Technologically Enhanced Naturally Occuring Radioactive Materials
National Research Council, 1999
Decline of the Sea Turtles : Causes and Prevention.
National Research Council, 1989
Ground water models : scientific and regulatory applications
National Research Council (U.S.). Committee on Ground Water Modeling Assessment., 1990
Health Effects of Exposure to Low Levels of Ionizing Radiation: BEIR V
National Research Council, 2015
Monitoring Southern California’s coastal waters
National Research Council, 1990
Underutilized resources as animal feedstuffs
Subcommittee on Underutilized Resources as Animal Feedstuffs & Committee on Animal Nutrition & Board on Agriculture, National Research Council, 1983
The Airliner Cabin Environment: Air Quality and Safety
National Research Council, 1986
The Effects on the Atmosphere of a Major Nuclear Exchange
National Research Council, Division on Engineering and Physical Sciences, Mathematics, and Applications Commission on Physical Sciences, Committee on the Atmospheric Effects of Nuclear Explosions, 1985
What Is America Eating?: Proceedings of a Symposium
National Research Council, Division on Earth and Life Studies, Commission on Life Sciences, Food and Nutrition Board, 1986
Vaccine Supply and Innovation
National Research Council, Institute of Medicine, Division of Health Promotion and Disease Prevention, 1985
Nutritional energetics of domestic animals & glossary of energy terms
National Research Council (U.S.) Committee on Animal Nutrition. Subcommittee on Biological Energy., 1981
Networking Health : Prescriptions for the Internet.
Science, Commission on Physical; Staff, National Research Council, 2000
Nutrient requirements of dogs : revised 1985
National Research Council (U. S.). Committee on Animal Nutrition. Subcommittee on Dog Nutrition, 1985
Human resource practices for implementing advanced manufacturing technology
National Research Council (U.S.). Committee on the Effective Implementation of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 1986
Immigration statistics : a story of neglect
Ken Hill; Daniel B Levine; Robert Warren; National Research Council (U.S.). Panel on Immigration Statistics, 1985
Environmental tobacco smoke : measuring exposures and assessing health effects
National Research Council (U.S.). Committee on Passive Smoking, 1986
Managing microcomputers in large organisations
National Research Council, 1985