نتایج جستجو

Letters from Khartoum. D.R. Ewen Teaching English Literature, Sudan, 1951-1965 (Postcolonial Lives, 1)
< by Russell McDougall, i>, University of New England (Australia)<, /i>, 2021
Women and Latin in the Early Modern Period (Brill Research Perspectives in Humanities and Social Sciences)
Jane Stevenson, Campion Hall, University of Oxford, 2022
Lectures in Theoretical Physics (Volume I: Lectures delivered at the summer institute for theoretical physics, University of Colorado, Boulder, 1958)
Edited by Wesley E. Brittin and Lita G. Dunham, 1959
Lie Groups and Automorphic Forms: Proceedings of the 2003 Summer Program, Zhejiang University, Center of Mathematical Sciences, Hangzhou, China
Lizhen Ji (editor), Jian-shu Li (editor), H. W. Xu (editor), Shing-Tung Yau (editor), 2006
Rumours of Revolt Civil War and the Emergence of a Transnational News Culture in France and the Netherlands, 15611598 (Library of the Written Word)
University of Amsterdam Rosanne M. Baars, 2021
Mathematics-1. Gujarat Technological University
Ravish Singh, 2019
Taking ‘Religion’ Seriously: Essays on the Discursive Study of Religion
Teemu Taira, University of Helsinki, 2022
Ha-Tov v’ha-Meitiv: Contemporary Scholarship in Jewish Studies: Essays in Honor of the 50th Anniversary of Touro University
Simcha Fishbane (editor), Eric M. Levine (editor), Yosef Dov Robinson (editor), 2024