نتایج جستجو

Chaos and Life: Complexity and Order in Evolution and Thought
Richard J. Bird, 2003
Applied structural and mechanical vibrations: theory, methods, and measuring instrumentation
Paolo L.Gatti and Vittorio Ferrari, 1999
Semiconductor and Metal Nanocrystals: Synthesis and Electronic and Optical Properties
Victor I. Klimov, 2003
Semiconductors and semimetals, - Transport and optical phenomena
R.K. Willardson and Albert C. Beer (Eds.), 1972
Advances in Research and Development: Homojunction and Quantum-Well Infrared Detectors: Homojunction and Quantum-Well Infrared Detectors
Francombe M. (Ed.), Vossen J. (Ed), 1995
Conceptual Models of Flow and Transport in the Fractured Vadose Zone
Panel on Conceptual Models of Flow and Transport in the Fractured Vadose Zone, U.S. National Committee for Rock Mechanics, Board on Earth Sciences and Resources, National Research Council, National Research Council, 2001
Cycling and Society (Transport and Society)
Dave Horton, Paul Rosen and Peter Cox, 2007
Environmental Hydraulics: Hydrodynamic and Pollutant Transport Modelling of Lakes and Coastal Waters
I.K. Tsanis, Jian Wu, Huihua Shen and Caterina Valeo (Eds.), 2006
Moral Lessons of the Twentieth Century: Gorbachev and Ikeda on Buddhism and Communism (Echoes and Reflections)
Daisaku Ikeda, Mikhail Gorbachev, 2005
A Long View of Research and Practice in Operations Research and Management Science: The Past and the Future
ManMohan S. Sodhi, Christopher S. Tang (auth.), ManMohan S. Sodhi, Christopher S. Tang (eds.), 2010
A Long View of Research and Practice in Operations Research and Management Science: The Past and the Future
ManMohan S. Sodhi, Christopher S. Tang (auth.), ManMohan S. Sodhi, Christopher S. Tang (eds.), 2010
Dynamic modelling and control of national economies, 1983 : proceedings of the 4th IFAC/IFORS/IIASA conference and the 1983 SEDC Conference on Economic Dynamics and Control, Washington, D.C., USA, 17-19 June 1983
Tamer Başar;L -F Pau;International Federation of Automatic Control.;International Federation of Operational Research Societies.;International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis.;All authors, 1984
Faulkner at 100: Retrospect and Prospect : Faulkner and Yoknapatawpha, 1997
Faulkner and Yoknapatawpha Conference (24th : 1997 : University of Mississippi), Ann J. Abadie, 2000
Model Driven Architecture: European MDA Workshops: Foundations and Applications, MDAFA 2003 and MDAFA 2004, Twente, The Netherlands, June 26-27, 2003 and Linköping, Sweden, June 10-11, 2004. Revised Selected Papers
Liping Zhao (auth.), Uwe Aßmann, Mehmet Aksit, Arend Rensink (eds.), 2005
Object-Based Models and Languages for Concurrent Systems: ECOOP '94 Workshop on Models and Languages for Coordination of Parallelism and Distribution Bologna, Italy, July 5, 1994 Proceedings
Jean-Marc Andreoli, Hervé Gallaire (auth.), Paolo Ciancarini, Oscar Nierstrasz, Akinori Yonezawa (eds.), 1995
Sea Level Changes and Their Effects, International Ocean and Atmosphere Pacific Conference
John Noye, S. Aust.) Ocean and Atmosphere Pacific (1995 Adelaide, T. Aung, 2001