نتایج جستجو

Longman Dictionary of English Collocations (朗文实用英语词语搭配词典)
Morton Benson, Evelyn Benson, Robert Ilson, 本森, 顾立宁, 1996
A Chinese-English Dictionary of Association and Collocation (汉英联想搭配词典)
Liu, Baoqing. Liu, Yimeng. Yin, Zhongyi., 2007
Modern English Verb Collocation Dictionary (现代英语动词搭配词典)
A Collocation Dictionary of English Adjectives (英语形容词搭配结构词典)
王希山, 袁洪庚, 2004
Longman Dictionary of English Collocations (朗文实用英语词语搭配词典)
Morton Benson, Evelyn Benson, Robert Ilson, 本森, 顾立宁, 1996
English Verbal Collocations (英语动词搭配用法大辞典)
竹叶主编, 1996
Do you know your English adjectives? (Znáte anglická přídavná jména?)
Aleš Klégr, Norah Hronková, 1994
RB 1980: The Rule of St. Benedict in English
St. Benedict, 1981
Enga dictionary with English index
Adrianne Lang, 1978
The gallery of English costume : a brief view.
Corporation of Manchester, Art Galleries Committee, 1949
The Gallery of English costume : picture book. 6, Women’s costume 1900 - 1930.
Corporation of Manchester, Art Galleries Committee, 1956
The gallery of English costume : children’s costume.
Corporation of Manchester, Art Galleries Committee, 1959
Interaction of Derivational Morphology and Syntax in Japanese and English
Yoko Sugioka, 2018
Fundamental Law in English Constitutional History
J. W. GOUGH, 1961
Dictionary of Newfoundland English
G.M. Story, W.J. Kirwin and J. D. A. Widdowson (eds.), 1990