نتایج جستجو

Optical Properties of Highly Transparent Solids
T. C. McGill (auth.), Shashanka S. Mitra, Bernard Bendow (eds.), 1975
Optical Properties of Solids: Papers from the NATO Advanced Study Institute on Optical Properties of Solids Held August 7–20, 1966, at Freiburg, Germany
H. Jones (auth.), Sol Nudelman, S. S. Mitra (eds.), 1969
Asset and Liability Management Handbook
Gautam Mitra, Katharina Schwaiger, 2011
Asset and Liability Management Handbook
Gautam Mitra, Katharina Schwaiger (eds.), 2011
Mathematical Models for Decision Support
Gautam Mitra, 1988
Data Mining Multimedia, Soft Computing, and Bioinformatics
Sushmita Mitra, 2003
Data Mining Multimedia, Soft Computing, and Bioinformatics
Sushmita Mitra
Data mining: multimedia, soft computing, and bioinformatics
Sushmita Mitra, 2003
Digital Music: Computers That Make Music (The Digital World)
Ananda Mitra, 2010
Ophthalmic drug delivery systems
Ashim K Mitra, 2003
Symmetries and Symmetry Breaking in Field Theory
Parthasarathi Mitra, 2014
Mitra-Varuna: An Essay on Two Indo-European Representations of Sovereignty
Georges Dumézil, 1990
When Rebels Become Stakeholders: Democracy, Agency and Social Change in India
Subrata K Mitra, 2009
Basics of Marine and Estuarine Ecology
Abhijit Mitra, 2016
Ocular transporters and receptors: Their role in drug delivery
Ashim K. Mitra, 2013
High-Pressure Geochemistry and Mineral Physics: Basics for Planetology and Geo-material Science
Sachinath Mitra (Eds.), 2004