نتایج جستجو

Research and Development in Intelligent Systems XXV: Proceedings of AI-2008, the Twenty-eighth SGAI International Conference on Innovative Techniques and Applications of Artificial Intelligence
Michael G. Madden (auth.), Max Bramer BSc, PhD, CEng, CITP, FBCS, FIET, FRSA, FHEA, Miltos Petridis DipEng, MBA, PhD, MBCS, AMBA, Frans Coenen BSc, PhD (eds.), 2009
Color Atlas of Veterinary Anatomy, Volume 3, The Dog and Cat, 2nd Edition
Stanley H. Done BA BVetMed PhD DECPHM DECVP FRCVS FRCPath, Peter C. Goody BSc MSc(Ed) PhD, Susan A. Evans MIScT AIMI MIAS, Neil C. Stickland BSc PhD DSc, 2009
Applications and Innovations in Intelligent Systems XII: Proceedings of AI-2004, the Twenty-fourth SGAI International Conference on Innovative Techniques and Applications of Artificial Intelligence
Sarah Jane Delany, Pádraig Cunningham, Alexey Tsymbal, Lorcan Coyle (auth.), Professor Ann Macintosh BSc, CEng, Richard Ellis BSc, MSc, Dr Tony Allen (eds.), 2005
Applications and Innovations in Intelligent Systems XIII: Proceedings of AI-2005, the Twenty-fifth SGAI International Conference on Innovative Techniques and Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Cambridge, UK, December 2005
Tom M. van Engers (auth.), Professor Ann Macintosh BSc, CEng, Richard Ellis BSc, MSc, Dr Tony Allen PhD (eds.), 2006
Analysis and Optimization of Prismatic and Axisymmetric Shell Structures: Theory, Practice and Software
Ernest Hinton BSc, MSc, PhD, SDc, CEng, MIStructE, MBCS, Johann Sienz BEng, DipI-Ing (FH), MSc, PhD, Dr-Phil (GB), CEng, MIMechE, Cmath, MIMA, Mustafa Özakça BSc, MSc, PhD (auth.), 2003
Drug Treatment in Obstetrics: A Handbook of Prescribing
R. S. Ledward BSc (Manchester), MR Pharm. Soc., MB, ChB (L’pool), DA, DM (N’ham), LRCP, MRCS, MRSH, FRCS, FRCOG, DHMSA, D. F. Hawkins BSc, PhD, DSc, MB, BS (Lond), MD (Mass), FRCOG, FACOG, L. Stern MD, FRCP(C) (auth.), 1991
The Foot and Ankle in Rheumatoid Arthritis. A Comprehensive Guide
Philip Helliwell, MA, PhD, FRCP, James Woodburn, PhD, MPhil, BSc, Anthony Redmond, PhD, MSc, Deborah Turner, PhD, BSc,, 2007
Enabling Relationships in Health and Social Care. A Guide for Therapists
John Swain, BSC, PGCE, MSC, PhD, Jim Clark, MA, Cert Ed, Ad Dip Drama, Ad Dip Spec Ed, Sally French, BSc, MSc (Psych), MSc (Soc), MSCP Dip TP PhD, Karen Parry, BEd PhD,
Enabling Relationships in Health and Social Care. A Guide for Therapists
John Swain, BSC, PGCE, MSC, PhD, Jim Clark, MA, Cert Ed, Ad Dip Drama, Ad Dip Spec Ed, Sally French, BSc, MSc (Psych), MSc (Soc), MSCP Dip TP PhD, Karen Parry, BEd PhD,, 2004
Practical Industrial Data Networks: Design, Installation and Troubleshooting
Steve Mackay CPEng BSc (ElecEng)BSc (Hons)MBA, 2004
Practical Industrial Data Networks: Design, Installation and Troubleshooting (IDC Technology)
Steve Mackay CPEng BSc (ElecEng)BSc (Hons)MBA, 2004
Practical Industrial Data Networks: Design, Installation and Troubleshooting (IDC Technology)
Steve Mackay CPEng BSc (ElecEng)BSc (Hons)MBA, 2004
Practical Industrial Data Networks: Design, Installation and Troubleshooting (IDC Technology)
Steve Mackay CPEng BSc (ElecEng)BSc (Hons)MBA, 2004
Lasers in Medicine: An introductory guide
Gregory T. Absten BSc, MA, Stephen N. Joffe BSc, MB, ChB, MD, FRCS (Edinburgh, 1985
Essential Physics for Manual Medicine
Martin Ferrier Young BSc(Hons Phys) BSc(Chiropractic) DC FCC, 2009
Water Supply
Alan C. Twort, BSc, FICE, FCIWEM, Don D. Ratnayaka, BSc, DIC, MSc, FIChem E, FCIWEM,
Crash Course: Pharmacology
Elisabetta Battista MBBS BSc, Daniel Horton-Szar BSc(Hons) MBBS(Hons) MRCGP, 2012
Color Atlas of Veterinary Anatomy, Volume 3, The Dog and Cat, 2e
Stanley H. Done BABVetMedPhDDECPHMDECVPFRCVSFRCPath, Peter C. Goody BScMSc(Ed)PhD, Susan A. Evans MIScT AIMI MIAS, Neil C. Stickland BScPhDDSc, 2009
The Physiotherapist’s Pocketbook Essential facts at your fingertips THIRD EDITION
Karen Kenyon MRes, BSc (Hons),BA (Hons), MCSP. Jonathan Kenyon MSc, PGCert (NMP),BSc (Hons), MMACP, MCSP, 2018
Davidson's Principles and Practice of Medicine
Ian D Penman BSc(Hons) MD FRCPE (editor), Stuart H. Ralston MD FRCP FMedSci FRSE FFPM(Hon) (editor), Mark W J Strachan BSc(Hons)MDFRCPE (editor), Richard Hobson LLMPhDMRCP(UK)FRCPath (editor), 2022
Gray's Surface Anatomy and Ultrasound: A Foundation for Clinical Practice, 1e
Claire France Smith, Andrew Dilley BSc PhD, Barry Mitchell BScMScPhDFIBMSFIBiol, Richard Drake PhDFAAA, 2017
Plant Molecular Biology
Donald Grierson BSc, PhD, FIBiol., Simon N. Covey BSc, PhD. (auth.), 1988