نتایج جستجو

Advances in Web-Based Learning – ICWL 2005: 4th International Conference, Hong Kong, China, July 31 - August 3, 2005. Proceedings
Hongliang Gu, Yuanchun Shi, Guangyou Xu, Yu Chen (auth.), Rynson W. H. Lau, Qing Li, Ronnie Cheung, Wenyin Liu (eds.), 2005
A Java Library of Graph Algorithms and Optimization
Hang T. Lau, 2006
A Java Library of Graph Algorithms and Optimization
Hang T. Lau, 2007
A Java Library of Graph Algorithms and Optimization
Hang T. Lau, 2007
A Numerical Library in Java for Scientists and Engineers
Hang T. Lau, 2003
A Java Library of Graph Algorithms and Optimization
Hang T. Lau, 2006
Advanced MEMS Packaging (Electronic Engineering)
John Lau, Cheng Lee, C. Premachandran, Yu Aibin, 2009
How Voters Decide: Information Processing in Election Campaigns (Cambridge Studies in Public Opinion and Political Psychology)
Richard R. Lau, David P. Redlawsk, 2006
Advances in Composite Materials and Structures, Part 1
J.K. Kim, D.Z. Wo, L.M. Zhou, H.T. Huang, K.T. Lau and M. Wang, 2007
An Introduction to Critical Thinking and Creativity: Think More, Think Better
Joe Y. F. Lau, 2011
BurdaStyle Sewing Vintage Modern: Mastering Iconic Looks from the 1920s to 1980s
Nora Abousteit, Jamie Lau, 2012
Vehicle Safety Communications: Protocols, Security, and Privacy
Luca Delgrossi, Tao Zhang(auth.), T. Russell Hsing, Vincent K. N. Lau(eds.)
Disinfection By-products in Drinking Water
K Clive Thompson, Simon Gillespie, Emma Goslan, Georgia Agori, Rick Bacon, Baiyang Chen, Xavier Dauchy, Xiang Li, Yumi Manaka, Bram Martijn, Daniela Trogolo, Anca-Maria Tugulea, Masayuki Goto, Oliver Happel, Helena Bielak, Thomas Bond, Matt Bower, Katrin Doederer, John Fawell, Pei Hua, Gary Lau, Kathryn Linge, Osamah George Ameen Qaseer, Susan Richardson, Elena Righi, Paolo Roccaro, Barbara Behrendt-Fryda, Glen Andrew De Vera, Bjornar Eikebrokk, Detlef Jensen, Bill Mitch, Di Peng, David A Reckho, 2015
Landolt-Börnstein: Technik, 3. Teil, Elektrotechnik, Lichttechnik, Röntgentechnik, Teil b
R. Ochsenfeld, K.-H. v. Klitzing (auth.), R. Berthold, W. Claussnitzer, W. Geffcken, R. Glocker, R. Jaeger, W. Kast, K.-H. v. Klitzing, H. Lau, E. Lax, A. Lompe, W. Meidinger, R. Ochsenfeld, A. Schleede, E. Schmid, P. Schulz, A. Schulze, C. Schusterius, O. Vaupel, H. Weyerer, Ernst Schmidt (eds.), 2013
No Code Required: Giving Users Tools to Transform the Web
Allen Cypher, Mira Dontcheva, Tessa Lau, Jeffrey Nichols, 2010
No Code Required: Giving Users Tools to Transform the Web
Allen Cypher, Mira Dontcheva, Tessa Lau, Jeffrey Nichols, 2010
Small Ring Compounds in Organic Synthesis I
A. de Meijere, K.-L. Lau, K.-F. Tam, B.M. Trost, H.N.C. Wong, 1986
Combinatorial Heuristic Algorithms with FORTRAN
Dr. H. T. Lau (auth.), 1986
Hydrology of the Hawaiian Islands
L. Stephen Lau, John F. Mink, 2006
Reef-Platform Coral Boulders: Evidence for High-Energy Marine Inundation Events on Tropical Coastlines
James P Terry, A Y Annie Lau, Samuel Etienne (auth.), 2013
Advanced MEMS packaging
John H. Lau ... [et al.], 2010
Microvias: For Low Cost, High Density Interconnects
John H. Lau, 2001
Body Language: Sisters in Shape, Black Women's Fitness, and Feminist Identity Politics
Kimberly J. Lau, 2011