نتایج جستجو

Evolution of early earth's atmosphere, hydrosphere, and biosphere: constraints from ore deposits
Stephen E. Kesler, 2006
Granite-Related Ore Deposits - Special Publication 350
A. N. Sial, 2011
Minerals of the mercury ore deposit Idria
Aleksander Recnik (auth.), 2013
Ore Deposits and Mantle Plumes
Franco Pirajno (auth.), 2000
Supergene and Surficial Ore Deposits. Textures and Fabrics
Karl H. Wolf (Eds.), 1976
The Fundamentals of Paleohydrogeology of Ore Deposits
Dr. Evgeny A. Baskov (auth.), 1987
Time- and Strata-Bound Ore Deposits
V. J. Smirnow (auth.), 1977
Timing and Location of Major Ore Deposits in an Evolving Orogen
Derek J. Blundell, 2003
Uranium Ore Deposits
Franz J. Dahlkamp, 1993
Mining and the Environment: From Ore to Metal
Karlheinz Spitz, 2008
Invitation to number theory
Ore, 1967
Beneficiation of phosphate ore
SK Kawatra
Замечательный математик Нильс Хенрик Абель
Оре О.(Ore), 1961
Приглашение в теорию чисел
Оре О.(Ore O.), 1980
Теория графов
Оре О.(Ore O.), 1980
Sedimentology and Ore Genesis
G.C. Amstutz (Eds.), 1964
Invitation to Number Theory
Ore O., 1969
Quantitative Data File for Ore Minerals
A. J. Criddle, 1993
The Ore Minerals and their Intergrowths
Paul Ramdohr (Auth.), 1969