نتایج جستجو

The Failure of Political Reform in Venezuela
Julia Buxton, 2001
Ragged Trousered NGOs: Development Work under Neoliberalism
Charles Buxton, 2019
Myths and Tragedies in their Ancient Greek Contexts
Richard Buxton, 2013
Beyond development : alternative visions from Latin America
Miriam Lang; Lydia Fernando; Nick Buxton; Imre Szűcs; Grupo Permanente de Trabajo sobre Alternativas al Desarrollo., 2013
Metric Handbook: Planning and Design Data
Pamela Buxton, 2021
Metric Handbook: Planning and Design Data
Pamela Buxton, 2021
The Complete World of Greek Mythology
Richard Buxton, 2004
Oxford Readings in Greek Religion
R. G. A. Buxton, 2000
InHabit: People, Places and Possessions (Cultural Interactions: Studies in the Relationship between the Arts)
Antony Buxton (editor), Linda Hulin (editor), Jane Anderson (editor), 2016
The Politics of Narcotic Drugs: A Survey
Julia Buxton, 2010
The Great Plant-Based Con
Jayne Buxton
Lippincott's Illustrated Q&A Review of Microbiology and Immunology
Bonnie A. Buxton PhD, Lauritz A. Jensen DA, Randal K. Gregg PhD, 2009
Buxton and its Medicinal Waters
Robert Ottiwell Gifford-Bennet, 2017
The Philosopher Queens: The lives and legacies of philosophy's unsung women
Rebecca Buxton, Lisa Whiting, 2020
Religion, Society and God: Public Theology in Action
Richard Noake, Nicholas Buxton, 2013
The Imagination of the Mind in Classical Athens: Forms of Thought
Emily Clifford; Xavier Buxton, 2024
One Hundred Years of Slovak Literature: An Anthology
Stanislava Chrobakova, Marian Andriik, Vladimir Galis, Marina Galisova, Pavol Lukac, Martin Solotruk, Viera Sutherland-Smith, and James Sutherland-Smith, L’uben Urbanek, Stanislava Chrobakova, Peter Zajac, Ivan Krasko, Milo Urban, Jan Smrek, Ivan Horvath, Masa Halamova, Valentin Beniak, Jozef Ciger Hronsky, Ladislav Novomesky, Janko Silan, Dobroslav Chrobak, Frantisek Svantner, Rudolf Fabry, Stefan Zary, Jan Cerven, Jan Kostra, Dominik Tatarka, Leopold Lahola, Vojtech Mihalik, Alfonz Bednar, Mil, 2000
Archeologický atlas Evropy a Československa
Jan Bouzek, Miroslav Buchvaldek, Bořivoj Dostál, Jan Fridrich, Marek Gedl, Kazimierz Godłowski, Lubomír Košnar, Pavel Koštuřík, Mária Novotná, Bohuslav Novotný, Irena Pavlů, Vladimír Podborský, Jan Rulf, Jiří Sláma, Slavomil Vencl, Natalie Venclová, 1979
The big book of urban legends: adapted from the works of Jan Harold Brunvand
Jan Harold Brunvand, Robert Loren Fleming, Robert F. Boyd, 1994
The Microcontroller Idea Book Circuits, Programs, Applications featuring the 8052-BASIC Microcontroller Jan Axelson
Jan Axelson, Lakeview Research, 2002
Advances in Grid and Pervasive Computing: First International Conference, GPC 2006, Taichung, Taiwan, May 3-5, 2006. Proceedings
Chien-Min Wang, Chun-Chen Hsu, Pangfeng Liu, Hsi-Min Chen, Jan-Jan Wu (auth.), Yeh-Ching Chung, José E. Moreira (eds.), 2006
Advances in Spatial Databases: 4th International Symposium, SSD'95 Portland, ME, USA, August 6–9, 1995 Proceedings
Bart Kuijpers, Jan Paredaens, Jan Van den Bussche (auth.), Max J. Egenhofer, John R. Herring (eds.), 1995