نتایج جستجو

Rasail Ibn Hazm al-Andalusi, 384-456 vol. 2
Ali ibn Ahmad Ibn Hazm, 1980
The Damascus Chronicle of the Crusades: Extracted and Translated from the Chronicle of Ibn Al-Qualānisī
Abū Ya’lá Ḥamzah ibn Asad ibn al-Qalānisī, Hamilton A. R. Gibb (transl.), 2002
Two Andalusian Philosophers: The Story of Hayy ibn Yaqzan & The Definitive Statement
Abu Bakr Muhammad ibn Tufayl (Tufail), Abu’l Walid Muhammad ibn Rushd (Averroes), Jim Colville (trans.), 1999
Selected Poems of Solomon Ibn Gabirol.
Cole, Peter; Ibn Gabirol; Ibn Gabirol, Solomon, 2016
From Arab poet to Muslim saint : Ibn al-Fāriḍ, his verse, and his shrine
Homerin, Th. Emil; Ibn al-Fāriḍ, ʻUmar ibn ʻAlī, 2001
Abū l-Fidāʾ Ismāʿīl ibn ʿUmar ibn Kaṯīr
Ibn Tufayl’s Hayy Ibn Yaqzan: A Philosophical Tale
Ibn Tufayl, 2015
Galen and the syllogism; an examination of the thesis that Galen originated the fourth figure of the syllogism in the light of new data from Arabic sources, including an Arabic text edition and annotated translation of Ibn al-Salah's treatise On the fourth figure of the categorical syllogism
Nicholas Rescher, Ahmad ibn Muhammad Ibn al-Salah, 1966
The Diwan of Ibn Zaidun
Aḥmad ibn ʻAbd Allāh Ibn Zaydūn; Arthur Wormhoudt, 1973
Early Sufi Women
Muḥammad ibn al-Ḥusayn Sulamī; Muhammad ibn al-Husain al-Sulami; Muḥammad Ibn-al-Ḥusain as- Sulamī; A. R. As-Sulami, 1999
The Life of Ibn Hanbal
Ibn al-Jawzi, Abu al-Faraj Abd al-Rahman ibn Ali, Michael Cooperson (transl.), Garth Fowden, 2016
Ibn Khaldun; Ibn Arabchah; Ibn Chohba; Al-Maqrizi, 1959
Ibn Taimiya's Struggle Against Popular Religion
Ahmad Ibn-'Abd-al-Halim Ibn Taimiya, Muhammad Umar Memon (editor), 1976
The Secrets of Voyaging: Kitāb al-Isfār ʿan natāʾij al-asfār
Muḥyiddīn Ibn ʿArabī, Angela Jaffray (translator), 2015
Prayers for the Week
Muhyiddīn Ibn ʿArabī; Pablo Beneito, Stephen Hirtenstein (trans.), 2023
Creative Imagination in the Sufism of Ibn Arabi
Corbin, 1969
Ibn 'Arabî - Time and Cosmology
Mohamed Haj Yousef, 2007
Ibn 'Arabî - Time and Cosmology
Mohamed Haj Yousef, 2008
Ibn Arabi - Time and Cosmology
Haj Yousef, 2014
Quest for the Red Sulphur: The Life of Ibn 'Arabi (Islamic Texts Society)
Claude Addas, 1993
Tombeau of Ibn Arabi and White Traverses
Abdelwahab Meddeb, 2010
The Sufi Path of Knowledge: Ibn Al-Arabi's Metaphysics of Imagination
William C. Chittick, 1989