نتایج جستجو

Data Science with Microsoft SQL Server 2016
Buck Woody, Danielle Dean, Debraj GuhaThakurta, Gagan Bansal, Matt Conners and Wee-Hyong Tok, 2016
Advanced environmental analysis: applications of nanomaterials v1
Chaudhery Mustansar Hussain, Boris Kharisov, Michael Thompson, Rainer Schmidt, A Milton Franklin Benial, David DJ Antia, Elizabeth Guihen, Mostafa Khajeh, S Sadegh Hassani, Amirhassan Amiri, Suvardhan Kanchi, Jianchao Cai, Rani Bushra, Cristina Buzea, Ekaterina A Belokrylova, Victor Manuel Jimenez-Perez, Krystyna Pyrzynska, Sukanchan Palit, Soumitra Kar, Runcy Wilson, Monica Potara, Rute Isabel Ferreira Domingos, Ajay K Mishra, Ritu D Ambashta, David Rickerby, Cyrus Zamani, Vipul Bansal, Mohamed, 2016
Advanced environmental analysis: applications of nanomaterials v2
Chaudhery Mustansar Hussain, Boris Kharisov, Michael Thompson, Rainer Schmidt, A Milton Franklin Benial, David DJ Antia, Elizabeth Guihen, Mostafa Khajeh, S Sadegh Hassani, Amirhassan Amiri, Suvardhan Kanchi, Jianchao Cai, Rani Bushra, Cristina Buzea, Ekaterina A Belokrylova, Victor Manuel Jimenez-Perez, Krystyna Pyrzynska, Sukanchan Palit, Soumitra Kar, Runcy Wilson, Monica Potara, Rute Isabel Ferreira Domingos, Ajay K Mishra, David Rickerby, Vipul Bansal, Mohamed Bououdina, Gennady Gerasimov,, 2016
Advances in solid oxide fuel cells and electronic ceramics: a collection of papers presented at the 39th International Conference on Advanced Ceramics and Composites, January 25-30, 2015, Daytona Beach, Florida
Bansal, Narottam P.; Kirihara, Soshu; Kusnezoff, Mihails; Shimamura, Kiyoshi; Wang, Jingyang, 2016
Proceedings of Sixth International Conference on Soft Computing for Problem Solving: SocProS 2016, Volume 1
Kusum Deep, Jagdish Chand Bansal, Kedar Nath Das, Arvind Kumar Lal, Harish Garg, Atulya K. Nagar, Millie Pant (eds.), 2017
Proceedings of Fifth International Conference on Soft Computing for Problem Solving: SocProS 2015, Volume 1
Millie Pant, Kusum Deep, Jagdish Chand Bansal, Atulya Nagar, Kedar Nath Das (eds.), 2016
Proceedings of Fifth International Conference on Soft Computing for Problem Solving: SocProS 2015, Volume 2
Millie Pant, Kusum Deep, Jagdish Chand Bansal, Atulya Nagar, Kedar Nath Das (eds.), 2016
Speech and Language Processing for Human-Machine Communications: Proceedings of CSI 2015
S. S. Agrawal,Amita Devi,Ritika Wason,Poonam Bansal (eds.), 2018
Understanding Optics for JEE Main and Advanced
M K Sinha Bansal Classes Kota
Diseases of Ear, Nose and Throat
Mohan Bansal, 2013
Follow Every Rainbow
Rashmi Bansal, 2012
Stay Hungry Stay Foolish
Rashmi Bansal, 2012
Poor Little Rich Slum
Rashmi Bansal, Deepak Gandhi, 2012
Apache Hive Cookbook
Hanish Bansal, Saurabh Chauhan, Shrey Mehrotra, 2016
Mole Concept
Apache Hive Cookbook
Hanish Bansal, Saurabh Chauhan, Shrey Mehrotra
The Oxford Handbook of Business and the Natural Environment
Pratima Bansal; Andrew J. Hoffman, 2011
Advances in Solid Oxide Fuel Cells and Electronic Ceramics II: Ceramic Engineering and Science Proceedings Volume 37, Issue 3
Bansal, Narottam P.; Fukushima, Manabu; Gyekenyesi, Andrew; Kusnezoff, Mihails; Shimamura, Kiyoshi, 2016
Thermal Physics : Kinetic Theory, Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics
S.C. Garg, R.M. Bansal, C.K. Ghosh, 2012
EEG-Based Brain-Computer Interfaces: Cognitive Analysis and Control Applications
Dipali Bansal, Rashima Mahajan, 2019