نتایج جستجو

Worldbuilding for Fantasy Fans and Authors
M. D. Presley
AMA Manual of Style: A Guide for Authors and Editors
JAMA Network Editors, 2019
The 33 1/3 B-sides: New Essays by 33 1/3 Authors on Beloved and Underrated Albums
Will Stockton (editor), D. Gilson (editor), 2019
The Lost Plays of Greek Tragedy, Volume 1: Neglected Authors
Matthew Wright, 2016
Authors, Audiences, and Old English Verse
Thomas A. Bredehoft, 2009
Words of Her Own: Women Authors in Nineteenth-Century Bengal
Maroona Murmu, 2019
Videogames for Humans: Twine Authors in Conversation
merritt kopas (editor), 2015
The Wellesley Index to Victorian Periodicals, 1824-1900: Dated Bibliographies of All Identified Authors and Their Contributions to Major Quarterlies v. 5
Jean Harris Slingerland (editor), 1989
The Hybrid Literary Text: Arab Creative Authors Writing in Foreign Languages
Ferial Jabouri Ghazoul, 2000
The 10 Best Books to Read for Easter: Selections to Inspire, Educate, & Provoke: Excerpts from new and classic titles by bestselling authors in the field, with an Introduction by James Martin, SJ.
James Martin; C.S. Lewis; N.T. Wright; Desmond Tutu; Mpho Tutu; Catherine Wolff; Ann Patchett; Candida R. Moss; John Dominic Crossan; Thomas H. Groome; Jonathan Morris, 2013
Writer's Craft Power Pack 2: Five-Book Bundle for Authors
Rayne Hall, 2015
Sibirien und das Amurgebiet
Albin Kohn, Richard Andree (authors), Friedrich von Hellwald, Richard Oberländer (eds.), 1876
Art, Craft, and Theology in Fourth-Century Christian Authors
Morwenna Ludlow, 2020
Torah for Gentiles? What the Jewish Authors of the Didache Had to Say
Daniel Nessim, 2021
Arabic Authors A Manual of Arabian History and Literature
F. F. Arbuthnot, 2012
Mystical Anthropology: Authors from the Low Countries
John Arblaster and Rob Faesen, 2016