نتایج جستجو

Business Law in Japan - Cases and Comments. Intellectual Property, Civil, Commercial and International Private Law
Moritz Balz, Marc Dernauer, Christopher Heath, Anja Petersen-Padber, 2012
What Every Law Student Really Needs to Know: An Introduction to the Study of Law (Third Edition)
Tracey E. George, Suzanna Sherry, 2019
The Cambridge Handbook of International and Comparative Trademark Law (Cambridge Law Handbooks)
Irene Calboli (editor), Jane C. Ginsburg (editor), 2020
Hard-Nosed Advice from a Cranky Law Professor: How to Succeed in Law School
Austen L. Parrish; Cristina C. Knolton; Lisa C. Dennis, 2010
Law's Stories: Narrative and Rhetoric in the Law
Peter Brooks, Paul Gewirtz, 1996
Gilbert Law Summaries on Commercial Paper and Payment Law
Douglas Whaley, 2013
Political Theology: Demystifying the Universal (Encounters in Law and Philosophy) (Encounters in Law & Philosophy)
Marinos Diamantides, Anton Schutz, 2017
Beyond Law in Context: Developing a Sociological Understanding of Law
David Nelken, 2009
Transplanting Commercial Law Reform: Developing a 'Rule of Law' in Vietnam
John Gillespie, 2006
Non-Regression in International Environmental Law: Human Rights Doctrine and the Promises of Comparative International Law
Markus Vordermayer-Riemer (Author), 2020
The Architecture of Law: Rebuilding Law in the Classical Tradition
Brian M. McCall, 2018
The Oxford Handbook of Law and Economics: Volume 3: Public Law and Legal Institutions
Francesco Parisi (editor), 2017
Changing God’s Law: The dynamics of Middle Eastern family law
Nadjma Yassari, 2016
Law as if Earth Really Mattered: The Wild Law Judgment Project
Nicole Rogers, Michelle Maloney, 2017
Collective Punishment and Human Rights Law: Addressing Gaps in International Law
Cornelia Klocker, 2020
Law’s Reality: A Philosophy of Law
Allan Beever, 2021
Making Commercial Law through Practice 1830–1970: Law as Backcloth
Ross Cranston, 2021
Law, Cultural Diversity, and Criminal Defense (Cultural Diversity and Law)
Craig L. Carr, Lisa Johnson, 2019