نتایج جستجو

Computational Methods in Systems Biology: 10th International Conference, CMSB 2012, London, UK, October 3-5, 2012. Proceedings
Denis Noble (auth.), David Gilbert, Monika Heiner (eds.), 2012
A Short Textbook of Clinical Imaging
M. Rubens (auth.), David Sutton MD, FRCP, FRCR, DMRD, Jeremy W. R. Young MA, BM, BCh, FRCR (eds.), 1990
Air Pollution Modelling and Simulation: Proceedings Second Conference on Air Pollution Modelling and Simulation, APMS’01 Champs-sur-Marne, April 9–12, 2001
Nicolas Fournier, Vicente A. Pais, Mark A. Sutton, Keith J. Weston, Ulli Dragosits (auth.), Dr. Bruno Sportisse (eds.), 2002
Advances in Metal Processing
M. C. Flemings, R. Mehrabian (auth.), John J. Burke, Robert Mehrabian, Volker Weiss (eds.), 1981
AJCC Cancer Staging Manual
(auth.), Frederick L. Greene M.D., David L. Page M.D., Irvin D. Fleming M.D., April G. Fritz C.T.R., R.H.I.T., Charles M. Balch M.D., Daniel G. Haller M.D., Monica Morrow M.D. (eds.), 2002
Advances in the Theory of Shock Waves
Tai-Ping Liu, Guy Métivier, Joel Smoller, Blake Temple, Wen-An Yong, Kevin Zumbrun (auth.), Heinrich Freistühler, Anders Szepessy (eds.), 2001
Advances on Digital Television and Wireless Multimedia Communications: 9th International Forum on Digital TV and Wireless Multimedia Communication, IFTC 2012, Shanghai, China, November 9-10, 2012. Proceedings
Chao Jiang, Ze-xun Geng, Xiao-feng Wei, Chen Shen (auth.), Wenjun Zhang, Xiaokang Yang, Zhixiang Xu, Ping An, Qizhen Liu, Yue Lu (eds.), 2012
Annual Report on China’s Economic Growth: Macroeconomic Trends and Outlook
Ping Zhang, Xiahui Liu, Fuhua Yuan, Ziran Zhang (eds.), 2016
Atlas of Digestive Endoscopic Resection
Pinghong Zhou, Liqing Yao, Xinyu Qin (eds.), 2014
Augmented Environments for Computer-Assisted Interventions: 6th International Workshop, AE-CAI 2011, Held in Conjunction with MICCAI 2011, Toronto, ON, Canada, September 22, 2011, Revised Selected Papers
Ping-Lin Chang, Dongbin Chen, Daniel Cohen (auth.), Cristian A. Linte, John T. Moore, Elvis C. S. Chen, David R. Holmes III (eds.), 2012
Augmented Environments for Computer-Assisted Interventions: 6th International Workshop, AE-CAI 2011, Held in Conjunction with MICCAI 2011, Toronto, ON, Canada, September 22, 2011, Revised Selected Papers
Ping-Lin Chang, Dongbin Chen, Daniel Cohen (auth.), Cristian A. Linte, John T. Moore, Elvis C. S. Chen, David R. Holmes III (eds.), 2012
Biological Nitrogen Fixation, Sustainable Agriculture and the Environment: Proceedings of the 14th International Nitrogen Fixation Congress
Wu Xintao (auth.), Yi-Ping Wang, Min Lin, Zhe-Xian Tian, Claudine Elmerich, William E. Newton (eds.), 2005
Cerebral Hemorrhage
Y. Hua, R. F. Keep, J. T. Hoff, G. Xi (auth.), Liang-Fu Zhou, Xian-Cheng Chen, Feng-Ping Huang, Guohua Xi, Richard F. Keep, Ya Hua, Karin Muraszko, Yi-Cheng Lu (eds.), 2008
Identification of Continuous Dynamical Systems: The Poisson Moment Functional (PMF) Approach
Dr. Dines Chandra Saha, Professor Ganti Prasada Rao (eds.), 1983
Identification of Continuous-Time Systems: Methodology and Computer Implementation
Ganti Prasada Rao, Naresh K. Sinha (auth.), N. K. Sinha, G. P. Rao (eds.), 1991
Piecewise Constant Orthogonal Functions and Their Application to Systems and Control
Professor Ganti Prasada Rao (eds.), 1983
(De)Standardisierung von Bildungsverläufen und -strukturen: Neue Perspektiven auf bildungsbezogene Ungleichheit
Livia Makrinus, Katrin Otremba, Christian Rennert, Janine Stoeck (eds.), 2016
Advanced Functional Programming: 4th International School, AFP 2002, Oxford, UK, August 19-24, 2002. Revised Lectures
Richard Bird, Jeremy Gibbons (auth.), Johan Jeuring, Simon L. Peyton Jones (eds.), 2003
Age-related Macular Degeneration
L. Ho, R. van Leeuwen, P. T. V. M. de Jong, J. R. Vingerling, C. C. W. Klaver (auth.), Frank G. Holz, Daniel Pauleikhoff, Richard F. Spaide, Alan C. Bird (eds.), 2013
Algorithmic Languages and Calculi: IFIP TC2 WG2.1 International Workshop on Algorithmic Languages and Calculi 17–22 February 1997, Alsace, France
Richard S. Bird, Lambert Meertens (eds.), 1997
Atlas of Fundus Autofluorscence Imaging
Frank Holz, Richard Spaide, Alan C. Bird, Steffen Schmitz-Valckenberg (eds.), 2007
Behavior of Marine Animals: Current Perspectives in Research. Marine Birds
Richard G. B. Brown (auth.), Joanna Burger, Bori L. Olla, Howard E. Winn (eds.), 1980
Comparative Hearing: Birds and Reptiles
Robert J. Dooling, Arthur N. Popper (auth.), Robert J. Dooling, Richard R. Fay, Arthur N. Popper (eds.), 2000
Algebraic and Coalgebraic Methods in the Mathematics of Program Construction: International Summer School and Workshop Oxford, UK, April 10–14, 2000 Revised Lectures
Roy Crole (auth.), Roland Backhouse, Roy Crole, Jeremy Gibbons (eds.), 2002