نتایج جستجو

The Cambridge Companion to the Literature of the Crusades
Anthony Bale (editor), 2019
Mystery and Secrecy in the Nag Hammadi Collection and Other Ancient Literature: Ideas and Practices: Studies for Einar Thomassen at Sixty
Christian H Bull (editor), LIV Lied (editor), John D Turner (editor), 2011
The Figure of the Terrorist in Literature and Visual Culture
Maria Flood (editor); Michael Frank (editor), 2023
Coral Lives: Literature, Labor, and the Making of America
Michele Currie Navakas, 2023
Justice and the Social Context of Early Middle High German Literature
Robert G. Sullivan, 2013
Junian Latinity in the Roman Empire Volume 1: History, Law, Literature
Pedro López Barja (editor); Carla Masi Doria (editor); Ulrike Roth (editor), 2023
A History of New Zealand Literature
Mark Williams, 2016
Motion in Classical Literature: Homer, Parmenides, Sophocles, Ovid, Seneca, Tacitus, Art
G. O. Hutchinson, 2020
Bialik, the Hebrew Bible and the Literature of Nationalism
David Aberbach, 2023
Desiring the Dead: Necrophilia and Nineteenth-Century French Literature
Prof. Lisa Downing, 2002
Literary Trials: Exceptio Artis and Theories of Literature in Court
Ralf Grüttemeier, 2016
Retelling the Past in Contemporary Greek Literature, Film, and Popular Culture
Trine Stauning Willert, Gerasimus Katsan, 2019
Hacking Classical Forms in Haitian Literature
Pan–African American Literature: Signifyin(g) Immigrants in the Twenty-First Century
Professor Stephanie Li, 2018
The Hermeneutic Spiral and Interpretation in Literature and the Visual Arts
Michael O'Toole, 2018
Teaching Equity through Children’s Literature in Undergraduate Classrooms
Gayatri Devi, Philip Smith, Stephanie J. Weaver, 2023
Sartres Theory of Literature
John L. Howell, 1979
Uneasy Translations: Self, Experience and Indian Literature
Rita Kothari, 2022
Literature and Moral Feeling: A Cognitive Poetics of Ethics, Narrative, and Empathy
Patrick Colm Hogan, 2022
Ingratitude: The Debt-Bound Daughter in Asian American Literature
erin Khuê Ninh, 2011