نتایج جستجو

Case Based Research in Tourism, Travel, Hospitality and Events
Marianna Sigala (editor), Anastasia Yeark (editor), Rajka Presbury (editor), Marcela Fang (editor), Karen A. Smith (editor), 2022
Religion in Archaic and Republican Rome and Italy: Evidence and Experience
Edward Bispham (editor), Christopher Smith (editor), 2001
Dermatology in Rural Settings: Organizational, Clinical, and Socioeconomic Perspectives (Sustainable Development Goals Series)
Robert T. Brodell (editor), Adam C. Byrd (editor), Cindy Firkins Smith (editor), Vinayak K. Nahar (editor), 2021
The Macedonian Front, 1915-1918: Politics, Society and Culture in Time of War (British School at Athens - Modern Greek and Byzantine Studies)
Basil Gounaris (editor), Michael Llewellyn-Smith (editor), Ioannis Stefanidis (editor), 2022
The Romance of Aircraft
Laurence Yard Smith, 1919
Decarbonisation Pathways for African Cities (Palgrave Studies in Climate Resilient Societies)
Smith I Azubuike (editor), Ayodele Asekomeh (editor), Obindah Gershon (editor), 2022
Document Analysis and Recognition – ICDAR 2021 Workshops: Lausanne, Switzerland, September 5–10, 2021, Proceedings, Part II (Image Processing, Computer Vision, Pattern Recognition, and Graphics)
Elisa H. Barney Smith (editor), Umapada Pal (editor), 2021
The Macedonian Front, 1915-1918: Politics, Society and Culture in Time of War (British School at Athens - Modern Greek and Byzantine Studies)
Basil Gounaris (editor), Michael Llewellyn-Smith (editor), Ioannis Stefanidis (editor), 2022
Siege at the State House
Mac Smith, 2022
Plant Collectors in Angola: Botany, Exploration, and History in South-Tropical Africa
Estrela Figueiredo; Gideon F. Smith, 2024
Cultural Borrowings: Appropriation, Reworking, Transformation
Iain Robert Smith, 2009
Neptune: From Grand Discovery to a World Revealed: Essays on the 200th Anniversary of the Birth of John Couch Adams (Historical & Cultural Astronomy)
William Sheehan (editor), Trudy E. Bell (editor), Carolyn Kennett (editor), Robert Smith (editor), 2021
OpenMP: Enabling Massive Node-Level Parallelism: 17th International Workshop on OpenMP, IWOMP 2021, Bristol, UK, September 14–16, 2021, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science)
Simon McIntosh-Smith (editor), Bronis R. de Supinski (editor), Jannis Klinkenberg (editor), 2021
How Much Is Enough?: Shaping the Defense Program, 1961-1969
Alain C. Enthoven, K. Wayne Smith, 1971
Geosciences and the Sustainable Development Goals (Sustainable Development Goals Series)
Joel C. Gill (editor), Martin Smith (editor), 2021
Wesley Hohfeld A Century Later: Edited Work, Select Personal Papers, and Original Commentaries
Shyamkrishna Balganesh (editor); Ted M. Sichelman (editor); Henry E. Smith (editor), 2022
The Self-Arisen Vidya Tantra (vol 1) and The Self-Liberated Vidya Tantra (vol 2)
Ācārya Malcolm Smith
Ancient Egypt as Represented in the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
William Stevenson Smith; Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, 1960
Unfit to Fight - How Woke Policies Are Destroying Our Military
Amber Smith, 2024
The World's Biggest Book of Brainteasers & Logic Puzzles
Norman D. Willis, Paul Sloane, Des MacHale, Michael A. DiSpezio, Kurt Smith, Martin Gardner, Tim Sole, Rod Marshall, Bea Kimble (editor), 2006