نتایج جستجو

Lineare Algebra
Professor Dr. Klaus Jänich (auth.), 1991
Beratungsproblem Haut: Diagnostik, Therapie und Pflege im Praxisalltag
Professor Dr. Josef Smolle, 2005
Superplasticity of Alloys, Intermetallides and Ceramics
Professor Oscar A. Kaibyshev (auth.), 1992
Medical Mycology
Professor Dr. med. Siegfried Nolting, 1987
Summarizing Information: Including CD-ROM “SimSum”, Simulation of Summarizing, for Macintosh and Windows
Professor Dr. Brigitte Endres-Niggemeyer, 1998
Extended Irreversible Thermodynamics
Professor Dr. David Jou, 2001
Extended Irreversible Thermodynamics
Professor Dr. David Jou, 1993
Extended Irreversible Thermodynamics
Professor Dr. David Jou, 1996
Offshore Risk Assessment: Principles, Modelling and Applications of QRA Studies
Professor Jan Erik Vinnem (auth.), 2007
Ageing in Society, 3rd Edition
Professor John Bond, 2007
Extrusion of Aluminium Alloys
Professor Terry Sheppard (auth.), 1999
Optical Response of Nanostructures: Microscopic Nonlocal Theory
Professor Dr. Kikuo Cho (auth.), 2003
Competition, Innovation, and Antitrust: A Theory of Market Leaders and Its Policy Implications
Professor Federico Etro (auth.), 2007
Life Style and Criminality: Basic Research and Its Application: Criminological Diagnosis and Prognosis
Professor Dr. med. Dr. jur. Dr. h. c. Hans Göppinger (auth.), 1987
Grundzüge der Wirtschaftsinformatik
Professor Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Peter Mertens, 2000
Grundzüge der Wirtschaftsinformatik
Professor Dr. Peter Mertens, 1991
Grundzüge der Wirtschaftsinformatik
Professor Dr. Peter Mertens, 1992
Grundzüge der Wirtschaftsinformatik
Professor Dr. Peter Mertens, 1995
Grundzüge der Wirtschaftsinformatik
Professor Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Peter Mertens, 2001
Business Networking in der Praxis: Beispiele und Strategien zur Vernetzung mit Kunden und Lieferanten
Professor Dr. Hubert Österle, 2002
Business Networking: Shaping Collaboration Between Enterprises
Professor Dr. Hubert Österle, 2001
Business Networking: Shaping Enterprise Relationships on the Internet
Professor Dr. Hubert Österle, 2000
Life: An Introduction to Complex Systems Biology
Professor Dr. Kunihiko Kaneko (auth.), 2006