نتایج جستجو

Database Systems for Advanced Applications: 18th International Conference, DASFAA 2013, Wuhan, China, April 22-25, 2013. Proceedings, Part I
Peter Apers (auth.), Weiyi Meng, Ling Feng, Stéphane Bressan, Werner Winiwarter, Wei Song (eds.), 2013
Integrated 60GHz RF Beamforming in CMOS
Yikun Yu, Peter G.M. Baltus, Arthur H.M. van Roermund (auth.), 2011
Effective Interventions in the Lives of Criminal Offenders
Byron R. Johnson Ph.D. (auth.), John A. Humphrey, Peter Cordella (eds.), 2014
Conflict and Catastrophe Medicine: A Practical Guide
David R. Steinbruner (auth.), Adriaan P. C. C. Hopperus Buma, David G. Burris, Alan Hawley, James M. Ryan, Peter F. Mahoney (eds.), 2009
Mental Symbols: A Defence of the Classical Theory of Mind
Peter Novak (auth.), 1997
Einfachste Konvergenzkriterien für unendliche Reihen: Programm für Mathematiker, Naturwissenschaftler, Techniker und Wirtschaftswissenschaftler ab 1. Semester
Horst Wenzel, Friedrich Anacker, Joachim Klaus Bönisch, Bernhard Göhler, Karl-Heinz Körber, Joachim Leskien, Peter Meinhold, Lothar Oehlschlaegel (auth.), 1974
Wissensbasierte Systeme in der Qualitätssicherung: Methoden zur Nutzung verteilten Wissens
Matthias Jarke, Peter Peters (auth.), Professor Dr.-Ing. Dr. h. c. Tilo Pfeifer (eds.), 1996
Acoustical Imaging
Thomas L. Szabo (auth.), Michael Halliwell, Peter N. T. Wells (eds.), 2002
Saudi Arabia Today: An Introduction to the Richest Oil Power
Peter Hobday (auth.), 1978
11th International Conference on High-Energy Accelerators: Geneva, Switzerland, July 7–11, 1980
J. B. Adams, M. Peter (auth.), W. S. Newman (eds.), 1980
Angular Momentum Evolution of Young Stars
Peter Bodenheimer (auth.), S. Catalano, J. R. Stauffer (eds.), 1991
An Introduction to Acupuncture: A Practical Guide for GPs and other Medical Personnel
Peter Pearson MBBS, MRCGP, DRCOG (auth.), 1987
RoboCup 2007: Robot Soccer World Cup XI
Mazda Ahmadi, Peter Stone (auth.), Ubbo Visser, Fernando Ribeiro, Takeshi Ohashi, Frank Dellaert (eds.), 2008
RoboCup 2011: Robot Soccer World Cup XV
Aijun Bai, Xiaoping Chen, Patrick MacAlpine, Daniel Urieli, Samuel Barrett, Peter Stone (auth.), Thomas Röfer, N. Michael Mayer, Jesus Savage, Uluc̨ Saranlı (eds.), 2012
RoboCup 2011: Robot Soccer World Cup XV
Aijun Bai, Xiaoping Chen, Patrick MacAlpine, Daniel Urieli, Samuel Barrett, Peter Stone (auth.), Thomas Röfer, N. Michael Mayer, Jesus Savage, Uluc̨ Saranlı (eds.), 2012
RoboCup 2012: Robot Soccer World Cup XVI
Juan José Alcaraz-Jiménez, Marcell Missura, Humberto Martínez-Barberá, Sven Behnke (auth.), Xiaoping Chen, Peter Stone, Luis Enrique Sucar, Tijn van der Zant (eds.), 2013
RoboCup-99: Robot Soccer World Cup III
Manuela Veloso, Hiroaki Kitano, Enrico Pagello, Gerhard Kraetzschmar, Peter Stone (auth.), Manuela Veloso, Enrico Pagello, Hiroaki Kitano (eds.), 2000
Euclid’s Heritage: Is Space Three-Dimensional?
Peter Janich (auth.), 1992
Protophysics of Time: Constructive Foundation and History of Time Measurement
Peter Janich (auth.), 1985
Genetic Programming: 5th European Conference, EuroGP 2002 Kinsale, Ireland, April 3–5, 2002 Proceedings
Peter Martin (auth.), James A. Foster, Evelyne Lutton, Julian Miller, Conor Ryan, Andrea Tettamanzi (eds.), 2002
Genetic Programming: 5th European Conference, EuroGP 2002 Kinsale, Ireland, April 3–5, 2002 Proceedings
Peter Martin (auth.), James A. Foster, Evelyne Lutton, Julian Miller, Conor Ryan, Andrea Tettamanzi (eds.), 2002
Genetic Programming: European Conference, EuroGP 2000, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK, April 15-16, 2000. Proceedings
Paul Albuquerque, Bastien Chopard, Christian Mazza, Marco Tomassini (auth.), Riccardo Poli, Wolfgang Banzhaf, William B. Langdon, Julian Miller, Peter Nordin, Terence C. Fogarty (eds.), 2000
Designing Effective and Usable Multimedia Systems: Proceedings of the IFIP Working Group 13.2 Conference on Designing Effective and Usable Multimedia Systems Stuttgart, Germany, September 1998
M. Wilson (auth.), Alistair Sutcliffe, Juergen Ziegler, Peter Johnson (eds.), 1998
Photovoltaic and Photoelectrochemical Solar Energy Conversion
Peter T. Landsberg (auth.), F. Cardon, W. P. Gomes, W. Dekeyser (eds.), 1981