نتایج جستجو

Negotiating Critical Literacies with Teachers: Theoretical Foundations and Pedagogical Resources for Pre-Service and In-Service Contexts
Vivian Maria Vasquez, Stacie L. Tate, Jerome C. Harste, 2013
Critical Literacy Across the K-6 Curriculum
Vivian Maria Vasquez, 2016
A nélkülözhetetlen vitaminok
Angela Maria Mauri, 2009
Mozart come Dante. Il Flauto magico: un cammino spirituale
Maria Soresina, 2011
Tedesco facile
linguista. Maria Rossi; Christine Kempf, 2014
Inglés. Investigación, innovación y buenas prácticas: Teacher Development: 093
Maria Rosa Alonso Alonso, Matthew Benjamin Banks, Lourdes Cerezo García, Ramiro Duran Martínez, Valerie Howard Hobbs, Mei Lin, Amos Paran, 2011
Teorias dos movimentos sociais. Paradigmas clássicos e contemporaneos
Maria da Glória Gohn, 2007
Gian Maria Volonté
Mirko Capozzoli
Operazione Gattopardo
Alberto Anile, Maria Gabriella Giannice
Keplero. Una biografia scientifica
Anna Maria Lombardi, 2020
La bellezza e il peccato. Piccola scuola di filosofia
Maria Bettetini, 2015
Essentials and Advances in Geochemistry of Natural Waters
Maria Emilova Velinova (editor), 2018
Handbook of Forensic Statistics (Chapman & Hall/CRC Handbooks of Modern Statistical Methods)
David L. Banks (editor), Karen Kafadar (editor), David H. Kaye (editor), Maria Tackett (editor), 2020
Transmodern Perspectives on Contemporary Literatures in English
Jessica Aliaga-Lavrijsen (editor), José María Yebra-Pertusa (editor), 2019
Pragmatism and the European Traditions: Encounters with Analytic Philosophy and Phenomenology before the Great Divide
Maria Baghramian (editor), Sarin Marchetti (editor), 2017
Pragmatism and the European Traditions: Encounters with Analytic Philosophy and Phenomenology before the Great Divide
Maria Baghramian (editor), Sarin Marchetti (editor), 2017
Jacobo Fijman: Una poética de las huellas
María Amelia Arancet Ruda, 2001
The Magic Lantern: Representations of the Double in Dickens
Maria Cristina Paganoni, 2007
Minority Rights In Europe: A Review of the Work and Standards of the Council of Europe (Minorities)
Patrick Thornberry, Maria Amor Martin Estebanez, 2004
Musa tragica: die griechische Tragödie von Thespis bis Ezechiel: ausgewählte Zeugnisse und Fragmente griechisch und deutsch
Bardo Maria Gauly; Richard Kannicht, 1991
Gentile e il neoidealismo
Maria Adelaide Raschini, 2001
A Ditadura Salazarista
Maria Luisa de Almeida Paschkes, 1985
Ensayo sobre los juicios de residencía indianos
José María Mariluz Urquijo, 1952![Doświadczenie wewnętrzne [fragmenty] ; Na marginesie życia ; „Mól” książkowy wobec „niepojętego gestu markiza de Sade” ; Nowy mistyk ; [Człowiek jako projekt] ; [Odbicie tego, czym chciał być] ; Przedmowa do transgresji ; Transgresja u Bataille'a ; Transgresja](http://cdn.ketabkoo.com/covers/15/1526092-n.jpg)