نتایج جستجو

Social Science Goes to War: The Human Terrain System in Iraq and Afghanistan
Montgomery McFate (editor), Janice H. Laurence (editor), 2015
Vitalization in Psychoanalysis: Perspectives on Being and Becoming
Amy Schwartz Cooney (editor), Rachel Sopher (editor), 2021
Psychoanalysis, Law, and Society
Plinio Montagna (editor), Adrienne Harris (editor), 2019
Memories and Monsters: Psychology, Trauma, and Narrative
Eric R. Severson (editor), David M. Goodman (editor), 2017
Memories and Monsters: Psychology, Trauma, and Narrative
Eric R. Severson (editor), David M. Goodman (editor), 2017
Psychoanalytic Perspectives on Women and Their Experience of Desire, Ambition and Leadership
Stephanie Brody (editor), Frances Arnold (editor), 2019
Cinematic Reflections on The Legacy of the Holocaust: Psychoanalytic Perspectives
Diana Diamond (editor), Bruce Sklarew (editor), 2018
The Raupō concise Māori dictionary
Alexander Wyclif Reed; Ross Calman (editor); Tīmoti Sam Kāretu (editor), 2013
The Raupō essential Māori dictionary = Te papakupu taketake a Raupō
Ross Calman (editor); Margaret Sinclair (editor), 2012
Assumed Identities: The Meanings of Race in the Atlantic World
John D. Garrigus (editor), Christopher Morris (editor), 2010
Envisioning the Cosmic Body of Christ: Embodiment, Plurality and Incarnation
Aurica Jax (editor), Saskia Wendel (editor), 2019
Mind in Architecture: Neuroscience, Embodiment, and the Future of Design
Sarah Robinson (editor), Juhani Pallasmaa (editor), 2015
Parliamentary Committees in the Policy Process
Sven T. Siefken (editor), Hilmar Rommetvedt (editor), 2021
Global South Scholars in the Western Academy: Harnessing Unique Experiences, Knowledges, and Positionality in the Third Space
Staci B. Martin (editor), Deepra Dandekar (editor), 2021
Immunization and States: The Politics of Making Vaccines
Stuart Blume (editor), Baptiste Baylac-Paouly (editor), 2021
The Routledge Handbook of the Other Backward Classes in India: Thought, Movements and Development
Simhadri Somanaboina (editor), Akhileshwari Ramagoud (editor), 2021
William S. Burroughs Cutting Up the Century
Joan Hawkins (editor), Henry Alexander Wermer-Colan (editor), 2019
Endophytes: Potential Source of Compounds of Commercial and Therapeutic Applications
Ravindra H. Patil (editor), Vijay L. Maheshwari (editor), 2021
Water, Technology and the Nation-State
Filippo Menga (editor), Erik Swyngedouw (editor), 2018
Disappearing Peasantries?: Rural Labour in Latin America, Asia and Africa
Deborah Bryceson (editor), Jos Mooij (editor), 2000
Monarchies and Nations: Globalisation and Identity in the Arab States of the Gulf
Paul Dresch (editor), James Piscatori (editor), 2005
From Recognition to Reconciliation: Essays on the Constitutional Entrenchment of Aboriginal and Treaty Rights
Patrick Macklem (editor), Douglas Sanderson (editor), 2016
A Place More Void
Paul Kingsbury (editor), Anna J. Secor (editor), 2021
Representations of Political Resistance and Emancipation in Science Fiction
Judith Grant (editor), Sean Parson (editor), 2020