نتایج جستجو

Social and Conceptual Issues in Astrobiology
Kelly C. Smith (editor), Carlos Mariscal (editor), 2020
The Indo-Pacific Axis: Peace and Prosperity or Conflict?
Satish Chandra (editor), Baladas Ghoshal (editor), 2018
The Oxford Handbook of Evolutionary Psychology and Religion
James R. Liddle (editor), Todd K. Shackelford (editor), 2021
Culture, conflict and the military in colonial South Asia
Gavin Rand (editor); Kaushik Roy (editor), 2018
The Dynamics of Text and Framing Phenomena: Historical Approaches to Paratext and Metadiscourse in English
Matti Peikola (editor), Birte Bös (editor), 2020
Delia Graff (editor), Timothy Williamson (editor), 2002
Handbook of Communication and People with Disabilities: Research and Application
Dawn O. Braithwaite (editor); Teresa L. Thompson (editor); Richard Y. Bourhis, 2009
The Routledge Handbook of Linguistic Reference
Stephen Biggs (editor), Heimir Geirsson (editor), 2020
The Oxford Handbook of Information Structure
Caroline Fery (editor), Shinichiro Ishihara (editor), 2016
Palaeohispanic Languages and Epigraphies
Alejandro Garcia Sinner (editor), Javier Velaza (editor), 2019
Static Analysis: 27th International Symposium, SAS 2020, Virtual Event, November 18–20, 2020, Proceedings
David Pichardie (editor), Mihaela Sighireanu (editor), 2021
Static Analysis: 27th International Symposium, SAS 2020, Virtual Event, November 18–20, 2020, Proceedings
David Pichardie (editor), Mihaela Sighireanu (editor), 2021
Animalia: An Anti-Imperial Bestiary for Our Times
Antoinette Burton (editor), Renisa Mawani (editor), 2020
IoT – Best Practices: Internet der Dinge, Geschäftsmodellinnovationen, IoT-Plattformen, IoT in Fertigung und Logistik
Stefan Meinhardt (editor), Felix Wortmann (editor), 2021
Men, Masculinities and Social Theory
Jeff Hearn (editor); David Morgan (editor), 1990
Paralinguistica e cinesica
Alfred S. Hayes (editor); Mary Catherine Bateson (editor); Thomas Albert Sebeok, 1970
Team-Based Learning in the Social Sciences and Humanities: Group Work that Works to Generate Critical Thinking and Engagement
Michael Sweet (editor), Larry K. Michaelsen (editor), 2012
Reassessing the Transnational Turn - Scales of Analysis in Anarchist and Syndicalist Studies
Constance Bantman (Editor); Bert Altena (Editor); Davide Turcato (Contributor); Kenyon Zimmer (Contributor), 2017
Disney's Star Wars: Forces of Production, Promotion, and Reception
Richard McCulloch (editor); William Proctor (editor), 2019
Ambienti animali e ambienti umani. Una passeggiata in mondi sconosciuti e invisibili
Jacob von Uexküll, Georg Kriszat (editor), Marco Mazzeo (editor), 2010
Ambienti animali e ambienti umani. Una passeggiata in mondi sconosciuti e invisibili
Jacob von Uexküll, Georg Kriszat (editor), Marco Mazzeo (editor), 2010
The Idea of the University: A Reader, Volume 1 (Global Studies in Education)
Michael A. Peters (editor), Ronald Barnett (editor), 2018
New Approaches to Cinematic Space
Filipa Rosário (editor), Iván Villarmea Álvarez (editor), 2018
Conflicts in Feminism
Marianne Hirsch (editor), Evelyn Fox Keller (editor), 1990