نتایج جستجو

Business As Usual
Jerry Van Amerongen, 1986
Spawning Migration of the European Eel: Reproduction index, a useful tool for conservation management (Fish & Fisheries Series)
Guido van den Thillart, Sylvie Dufour, J. Cliff Rankin, 2009
Enterprise Governance of Information Technology: Achieving Strategic Alignment and Value
Steven De Haes, Wim Van Grembergen (auth.), 2009
Atlas of Functional Anatomy for Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine: Human Structure, Ultrastructure and 3D Reconstruction Images
Miguel Angel Reina, José Antonio De Andrés, Admir Hadzic, Alberto Prats-Galino, Xavier Sala-Blanch, André A.J. van Zundert (eds.), 2015
Schattendasein: Das unverstandene Leiden Depression
Thomas Müller-Rörich, Kirsten Hass, Françoise Margue (auth.), Thomas Müller-Rörich, Kirsten Hass, Françoise Margue, Annekäthi van den Broek, Rita Wagner (eds.), 2013
Cochlear Implants and Hearing Preservation (Advances in Oto-Rhino-Laryngology, Vol. 67)
Paul Van de Heyning, Andrea Kleine Punte, 2009
A Companion to Marcus Aurelius
Marcel van Ackeren, 2012
Delay Equations: Functional-, Complex-, and Nonlinear Analysis
Odo Diekmann, Sjoerd M. Verduyn Lunel, Stephan A. van Gils, Hanns-Otto Walther (auth.), 1995
Biological Magnetic Resonance: Structure Computation and Dynamics in Protein NMR
Wilfred F. van Gunsteren, Alexandre M. J. J. Bonvin, Xavier Daura, Lorna J. Smith (auth.), N. Rama Krishna, Lawrence J. Berliner (eds.), 2002
In-Vivo Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy III: In-Vivo MR Spectroscopy: Potential and Limitations
Ofer Kaplan, Peter C. M. van Cohen, Jack S. Cohen (auth.), M. Rudin (eds.), 1992
Isotope Effects in NMR Spectroscopy
S. Berger, R. L. Van Etten, J. M. Risley, N. M. Sergeyev (auth.), 1990
Mobile NMR and MRI : developments and applications
Michael L Johns, Einar O Fridjonsson, Sarah J Vogt, Agnes Haber, William Price, Peter Blümler, Daniel Holland, John van Duynhoven, Bruce Balcom, Eichii Fukushima, Martin Hurlimann, Anatoly Legchenko, Nan Sun, Michelle Espy, Andrew McDowell, Matthew Rosen, Bernard Blümich, 2015
Dominant Exudative Vitreoretinopathy and other Vascular Developmental Disorders of the Peripheral Retina
C. E. van Nouhuys (auth.), 1982
Advances in smart medical textiles : treatments and health monitoring
Langenhove, Lieva van, 2015
Advances in Smart Medical Textiles: Treatments and Health Monitoring
Lieva van Langenhove, 2015
Southeastern Ceremonial Complex: Chronology, Content, Contest
Adam King, David H. Dye, Jon Muller, John F. Scarry, Lynne P. Sullivan, Timothy R. Pauketat, Paul Shawn Marceaux, Julieann Van Nest, Susan Alt, Kathryn E. Parker, Jenna M. Hamlin, Laura Kozuch, Lucretia Starr Schryver Kelly, 2007
12th Pan Book of Horror
Herbert Van Thal (editor), 1978
A Flow-of-Funds Perspective on the Financial Crisis: Volume I: Money, Credit and Sectoral Balance Sheets
Bernhard Winkler, Ad van Riet, Peter Bull (eds.), 2014
A Flow-of-Funds Perspective on the Financial Crisis: Volume II: Macroeconomic Imbalances and Risks to Financial Stability
Bernhard Winkler, Ad van Riet, Peter Bull (eds.), 2014
Fate and Effects of Oil in Marine Ecosystems: Proceedings of the Conference on Oil Pollution Organized under the auspices of the International Association on Water Pollution Research and Control (IAWPRC) by the Netherlands Organization for Applied Scientific Research TNO Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 23–27 February 1987
D. I. Little (auth.), J. Kuiper, W. J. Van Den Brink (eds.), 1987
Diversity in Barley: Hordeum vulgare
Roland von Bothmer, Theo van Hintum, Helmut Knüpffer and Kazuhiro Sato (Eds.), 2003
Activation and Desensitization of Transducing Pathways
Melvin I. Simon (auth.), T. M. Konijn, M. D. Houslay, P. J. M. Van Haastert (eds.), 1990
Handbook of Organizational Change and Innovation
Marshall Scott Poole, Andrew H. Van de Ven, 2004
Research on the Management of Innovation: The Minnesota Studies
Andrew H. Van de Ven, Harold L. Angle, Marshall Scott Poole, 2000