نتایج جستجو

Culturally Speaking: Culture, Communication and Politeness Theory
Helen Spencer-Oatey, 2008
Exploring the Greek Mosaic: A Guide to Intercultural Communication in Greece (The Interact Series)
Benjamin J. Broome, 1996
Fields in Vision: Television Sport and Cultural Transformation
Garry Whannel, 1992
Intercultural Communication : A Practical Guide
Tracy Novinger, 2001
Intercultural Communication: A Reader (with InfoTrac)
Larry A. Samovar, Richard E. Porter, 2002
Maintaining Relationships Through Communication: Relational, Contextual, and Cultural Variations (LEA's Series on Personal Relationships)
Daniel J. Canary, Marianne Dainton, 2002
Autobiographical Memory and the Construction of a Narrative Self: Developmental and Cultural Perspectives
Robyn Fivush, Catherine A. Haden, 2003
Culture in Communication: Analyses of Intercultural Situations
Aldo Di Luzio (ed.), Susanne Günthner (ed.), Franca Orletti (ed.), 2002
Choosing to die: elective death and multiculturalism
C.G. Prado, 2007
Deja Vu: Aberrations Of Cultural Memory (Electronic Mediations)
Peter Krapp, 2004
Rocket: A Simulation on Intercultural Teamwork
Jessica Hirshorn, 2009
Oil and Ideology: The Cultural Creation of the American Petroleum Industry
Roger M. Olien, 2000