نتایج جستجو

朝鲜战争:详尽年表, The Korean War: An Exhaustive Chronology 中英双语 【百度机翻】
巴德·汉宁斯, Bud Hannings, 2007
朝鲜战争的声音: 参战人员亲自叙述 Voices From the Korean War: Personal Accounts of Those Who Served 中英双语 【百度机翻】
道格拉斯·赖斯, Douglas Rice, 2011
死亡之谷:朝鲜战争回忆录, Valleys of Death: A Memoir of the Korean War 中英双语 【百度机翻】
比尔·理查森, 凯文·毛雷尔, Bill Richardson, Kevin Maurer, 2011
焦土,黑雪:1950年朝鲜战争中的英国和澳大利亚, Scorched Earth, Black Snow: Britain and Australia in the Korean War, 1950 中英双语【百度机翻】
安德鲁·萨尔蒙, Andrew Salmon, 2011
美国陆军的第一个、最后一个、也是唯一的全黑人游骑兵:1950-1951年朝鲜战争中的第二突击队步兵连(空降兵), The US Army's First, Last, and Only All-Black Rangers: The 2d Ranger Infantry Company (Airborne) in the Korean War, 1950-1951 中英双语 【百度机翻】
爱德华·波西, Edward L. Posey; 爱德华·波西, Edward L. Posey, 2011
这种战争:朝鲜战争的经典史, This Kind of War: The Classic Korean War History 中英双语 【百度机翻】
T.R. 费伦巴赫, T.R. Fehrenbach
The Korean War: An Exhaustive Chronology (3 Vol. Set)
Bud Hannings, 2007
Korean Patchwork Quilting: 37 Modern Bojagi Style Projects
Choi Yangsook, 2020
Rethinking the Korean War: A New Diplomatic and Strategic History
William Stueck, 2002
The Hidden History of the Korean War 1950/1
I. F. Stone, 1988
NATO Before the Korean War: April 1949-June 1950
Lawrence S. Kaplan, 2013
The Korean War in World History
William Stueck, 2004
Anesthesia and Pain Management, 2nd ed (2009), vol. 1
Seong Ho Chang (ed.), Korean Society of Anesthesiologists (Auth.), 2009
Anesthesia and Pain Management, 2nd ed (2009), vol. 2
Seong Ho Chang (ed.), Korean Society of Anesthesiologists (Auth.), 2009
Baptism by fire : CIA analysis of the Korean war - a collection of previously released and recently declassified intelligence documents
Central Intelligence Agency, 2019
Growth and Structural Changes in the Korean Economy, 1910-1940
Sang-chʻŏl Sŏ (Sang Chul Suh), 1978
12-Lead ECG: The Art of Interpretation (Korean Translation)
Tomas B. Garcia, Neil E. Holtz (eds.), Tae Joon Cha (Translation), 2005
Numeral Classifiers and Classifier Languages: Chinese, Japanese, and Korean
Chungmin Lee (editor), Young-Wha Kim (editor), Byeong-Uk Yi (editor), 2021
From patron to partner : the development of U.S.-Korean business and trade relations
Karl Moskowitz, 1984