نتایج جستجو

Antropologías del Sur: Visiones, complejidades, resistencias y desafíos
Jacqueline Clarac, Alex Martins, Juliana Messomo, Natalia Bondarenko, Yarisma Unda, Nelson Montiel, Maya Mazzoldi, Félix Ángeles, Yanett Segovia, Liliana Ramírez, Oscar Duván, Nelly Hernández, Camila Estigarribia, Eilyn Vicuña, Domingo Briceño, Annel Mejías, Leslie López, Alexis Carabalí, Jeniffer Gutierrez, César Torres, Eloisa Ocando, David Lozada, Osvaldo Barreto, Enrique Osman, Carla David, Carlos García, Fernando Rincón, Yimaira Gamboa, Nancy Díaz, Fidel Rodríguez, Julimar Mora, Yanitza Alb, 2021
Ullucus tuberosus Caldas. Catálogo de la colección de germoplasma de ulluco (olluco) conservada en el Centro Internacional de la Papa (CIP)
Iván Manrique, Carlos Arbizu, Francisco Vivanco, Roberto Gonzales, Carlos Ramírez, Oswaldo Chávez, David Tay, David Ellis, 2017
Even You Can Learn Statistics and Analytics: An Easy to Understand Guide, 4th Edition
David M. Levine, David F. Stephan, 2022
Communism and Political Systems in Western Europe
David Albright; Senior Scientist David Albright, 1979
The Movement Made Us: A Father, a Son, and the Legacy of a Freedom Ride
David J. Dennis Jr., David J. Dennis Sr., 2022
Living Legislation: Durability, Change, and the Politics of American Lawmaking
William J. Novak; Jeffrey E. Cohen; Matthew Eshbaugh-Soha; Sean Gailmard; Christopher R. Berry; Barry C. Burden; William G. Howell; Forrest Maltzman; Charles R. Shipan; Amihai Glazer; David E. Lewis; Stuart Chinn; Vesla M. Weaver; David R. Mayhew; Sidney M. Milkis, 2012
The cultural planning handbook : an essential Australian guide
David Engwicht; Colin Mercer; David Grogan, 2020
David L. Hoggan - Der erzwungene Krieg
David L. Hoggan
Power, Institutions, and Leadership in War and Peace: Lessons from Peru and Ecuador, 1995–1998
David R. Mares, David Scott Palmer, 2012
China's Reforms and International Political Economy
Zweig David; David Zweig, 2007
Propuestas de políticas para los gobiernos regionales 2015-2018. Documentos finales
Humberto Correa, David Medianero, Gonzalo Neyra, Cristina Sánchez, Patricia Velarde, Víctor Carranza, Luigi Butrón, Silvana Vargas, Jhonatan Clausen, Jorge Zegarra, Carlos Cabrejos, José Carlos Orihuela, Maritza Paredes, Luis Montes Mudarra, Valerio Paucarmayta, Marina Irigoyen, Jorge Malleux, Fidel Torres, Ángel Canales, David Solís, Jaris Mujica, Julio Arbizu, Daniel Leiva, Hugo Soto, Iván Ormachea, Wilfredo Ardito, Eliana Villar, Silvia Arbildo, 2015
Kosher and Erb's Fundamentals of Nursing, Volumes 1-3 AUDREY & FRANDSEN BERMAN (Global Edition GERALYN & SNYDER, SHIRLEE ET AL.), Geralyn Frandsen, Shirlee Snyder, Tracy Levett-Jones, Adam Burston, Trudy Dwyer, Majella Hales, Nichole Harvey, Lorna Moxham, Tanya Langtree, Kerry Reid-Searl, Flora Rolf, David Stanley
Kosher and Erb's Fundamentals of Nursing, Volumes 1-3 AUDREY & FRANDSEN BERMAN (GERALYN & SNYDER, SHIRLEE ET AL.), Geralyn Frandsen, Shirlee Snyder, Tracy Levett-Jones, Adam Burston, Trudy Dwyer, Majella Hales, Nichole Harvey, Lorna Moxham, Tanya Langtree, Kerry Reid-Searl, Flora Rolf, David Stanley, 2022
Understanding GIS: An Arcgis(r) Pro Project WorkbookFourth edition , David Smith, Nathan Strout, Christian Harder, Steven Moore, Tim Ormsby, Thomas Balstrm
Understanding JIZZ: An Arcgis(r) Pro Project Workbook David Smith, Nathan Strout, Christian Harder, Steven Moore, Tim Ormsby, Thomas Balstrm, 2018
The Perfect Pickle Book
David Collison, David Mabey, 2008
Pearson Edexcel International GCSE (9–1) Computer Science Student Book Ann Weidmann, David Waller, Alex Hadwen-Bennett, Jason Welch, Chris Charles, Shaun Whorton
Pearson Edexcel International GCSE (9–1) Computer Science Student Book , Ann Weidmann, David Waller, Alex Hadwen-Bennett, Jason Welch, Chris Charles, Shaun Whorton, 2020
The Pyramid Builders of Ancient Egypt: A Modern Investigation of Pharaoh's Workforce
Dr A Rosalie David, Rosalie David, 1997
Handbook of Superconductivity: Characterization and Applications
David A. Cardwell, David C. Larbalestier, Aleksander Braginski, 2023
Population Change and Rural Society
David L. Brown, William A. Kandel (auth.), William A. Kandel, David L. Brown (eds.), 2006
Teaching: Professionalization, Development and Leadership: Festschrift for Professor Eric Hoyle
David Johnson, Dr. Rupert Maclean (auth.), David Johnson, Dr. Rupert Maclean (eds.), 2008
The Practice and Theory of School Improvement: International Handbook of Educational Change
David Hopkins (auth.), David Hopkins (eds.), 2005
AQA A Level Further Maths: Year 1 + Year 2 (AQA A Level Maths)
Brian Jefferson, David Bowles, Eddie Mullan, Garry Wiseman, John Rayneau, Katie Wood, Mike Heylings, Rob Wagner, David Baker, 2018
Gynecologic Cancer
David M. Gershenson MD, John J. Kavanagh MD, Patricia J. Eifel MD (auth.), Patricia J. Eifel MD, David M. Gershenson MD, John J. Kavanagh MD, Elvio G. Silva MD (eds.), 2006