نتایج جستجو

Dopamine and Glutamate in Psychiatric Disorders
Kim A. Neve PhD (auth.), 2005
Efficient Methods for Valuing Interest Rate Derivatives
Antoon Pelsser PhD (auth.), 2000
Electronic Signals and Systems
Paul A. Lynn BSc DIC PhD MIEE CEng (auth.), 1986
The Encyclopedia of Aging: A Comprehensive Resource in Gerontology and Geriatrics
George L. Maddox PhD (auth.), 2001
The GABA Receptors
S. J. Enna PhD (auth.), 2007
The Genetics of Male Infertility
Douglas T. Carrell PhD (auth.), 2007
Internationalizing the Curriculum in Organizational Psychology
Milton D. Hakel PhD (auth.), 2014
Stunning, Hibernation, and Calcium in Myocardial Ischemia and Reperfusion
L. H. Opie MD PhD (auth.), 1990
Sudden Deaths in Custody
Darrell L. Ross PhD (auth.), 2006
Systems Biology of Tumor Dormancy
Nava Almog PhD (auth.), 2013
Intraoperative Neurophysiological Monitoring
Aage R. Møller PhD (auth.), 2006
Encyclopedia of Clinical Child and Pediatric Psychology
Thomas H. Ollendick PhD (auth.), 2003
Endocrine-Disrupting Chemicals: From Basic Research to Clinical Practice
Andrea C. Gore Phd (auth.), 2007
Endocrinology: Basic and Clinical Principles
P. Michael Conn PhD (auth.), 2005
Supervision and Control for Industrial Processes: Using Grey Box Models, Predictive Control and Fault Detection Methods
Björn Sohlberg PhD (auth.), 1998
Doctors and Patients: Strategies in Long-term Illness
Jurrit Bergsma PhD (auth.), 1997
Duplex and Color Doppler Imaging of the Venous System
C. Kollmann PhD (auth.), 2004
Magnetic Bubble Technology
Andrew H. Eschenfelder PhD (auth.), 1980
Magnetic Bubble Technology
Andrew H. Eschenfelder PhD (auth.), 1981
COX-2 Blockade in Cancer Prevention and Therapy
Rashida A. Karmali JD PhD (auth.), 2003
Criminal Profiling: Principles and Practice
Richard N. Kocsis PhD (auth.), 2006
Cryptanalytic Attacks on RSA
Song Y. Yan PhD (auth.), 2008
Strategic Urban Health Communication
Charles C Okigbo PhD (auth.), 2014
The Principles of Clinical Cytogenetics
Steven L. Gersen PhD (auth.), 2005