نتایج جستجو

The English Execution Narrative, 1200-1700
Katherine Royer, 2013
Our Sister Killjoy: Or, Reflections from a Black-Eyed Squint Sozaboy: A novel in Rotten English
Ama Ata Aidoo Ken Saro Wiwa, 1988
The Routledge concise history of Southeast Asian writing in English
Rajeev Shridhar Patke; Philip Holden
English-spanish (dictionnaire)
[unknown], 2001
Minna no Nihongo I Second Edition Translation and Grammar Notes — English
3A Corporation, 2012
Beware of the English! German Propaganda Exposes England
KNOP, W.G. (compiler); foreword by KING-HALL, Stephen, 1939
Oxford Guide to Plain English
Martin Cutts, 2020
Oxford Guide to Plain English
Martin Cutts, 2020
Collin Cobuild English Grammar
Collins Publishers
Speech Acts in English: From Research to Instruction and Textbook Development
Lorena Pérez-Hernández, 2020
The New Shorter Oxford English Dictionary on historical principles. Volume I A-M
Lesley Brown (editor), William Little (editor), 1993
Shorter Oxford English Dictionary on historical principles. Volume I A-M
Lesley Brown (editor), 2002
History of English Literature, Volume 1: Medieval and Renaissance Literature to 1625
Franco Marucci, 2018
Ghanaian Pidgin English: In search of diachronic, synchronic, and sociolinguistic evidence
Joe K. Y. B. Amoako, 1992
The Handbook of English Linguistics
Bas Aarts, April McMahon, Lars Hinrichs, 2020
Oxford Idioms Dictionary for Learners of English
Jennifer Toby (editor), 2003
Oxford Phrasal Verbs Dictionary for Learners of English
Varios Autores, 2006
The Dictionary of Disagreeable English
Robert Hartwell Fiske, 2006
The Oxford Dictionary of American English
Oxford University Press, 2005
1000 English Collocations in 10 Minutes a Day
Shayna Oliveira, 2013