نتایج جستجو

New Media and Revolution: Resistance and Dissent in Pre-uprising Syria
Billie Jeanne Brownlee, 2020
CIMA - Fundamentals of Financial Accounting: Practice and Revision Kit
BPP Learning Media, 2016
Media, Elections, And Democracy: Royal Commission on Electoral Reform
Frederick J. Fletcher, 1991
Geography, the media and popular culture
Jacquelin A. Burgess (editor); John R. Gold (editor), 2016
The Emerald Handbook of Digital Media in Greece : Journalism and Political Communication in Times of Crisis
Anastasia Veneti (editor); Athina Karatzogianni (editor), 2020
Decolonizing the Undead: Rethinking Zombies in World-Literature, Film, and Media
Stephen Shapiro; Giulia Champion; Roxanne Douglas, 2022
Gender, Race, and Class in Media: A Critical Reader
Gail Dines, Jean McMahon Humez, 2010
Gender, Race, and Class in Media: A Text-Reader
Gail Dines, Jean McMahon Humez, 2002
Gender, Race and Class in Media: A Text-Reader
Gail Dines, Jean McMahon Humez, 1994
The News Media in National and International Conflict
Andrew Arno; Wimal Dissanayake, 2021
Beyond the Echo Chamber: How a Networked Progressive Media Can Reshape American Politics
Jessica Clark, Tracy Van Slyke, 2010
Citizen Journalism as Conceptual Practice: Postcolonial Archives and Embodied Political Acts of New Media
Bolette B. Blaagaard, 2018
Sámi Media and Indigenous Agency in the Arctic North
Thomas A. DuBois, Coppélie Cocq, Andrew Nestingen, 2020
Making Sense of Data in the Media
Andrew Bell, Todd Hartman, Aneta Piekut, Alasdair Rae, Mark Taylor, 2019
The Media, Political Participation and Empowerment
Richard Scullion; Roman Gerodimos; Daniel Jackson; Darren G. Lilleker, 2013
Combative Politics: The Media and Public Perceptions of Lawmaking
Mary Layton Atkinson, 2017
Too Big for Their Britches: The Matter of America's Electronic Media
Thomas Adams, 2021
Ulrich Speck, 2018
Digital Media and Participatory Cultures of Health and Illness
Stefania Vicari, 2021