نتایج جستجو

Crime Fiction in the City: Capital Crimes
Lucy Andrew and Catherine Phelps, 2013
Diasporic Agencies: Mapping the City Otherwise
Nishat Awan, 2016
D.E. Morris, 2013
Colored Amazons : Crime, Violence, and Black Women in the City of Brotherly Love, 1880-1910
Kali N. Gross, Julia Adams, and George Steinmetz, 2006
Prayer in the City: The Making of Muslim Sacred Places and Urban Life
Patrick A. Desplat and Dorothea E. Schulz, 2012
Couch City: Socrates against Simonides
Harry Berger Jr., Ward Risvold, J. Benjamin Fuqua, 2021
City Walks Deck: New York
Christina Henry de Tessan, 2018
Fiction as History: The Novel and the City in Modern North India
Vasudha Dalmia, 2019
Illustrated History of the Borough of Queens, New York City
George von Skal, 1908
Athens: A History, From Ancient Ideal To Modern City
Robin Waterfield, 2004
Translating Montreal: Episodes in the Life of a Divided City
Sherry Simon, 2006
Kyiv as Regime City: The Return of Soviet Power after Nazi Occupation
Martin J. Blackwell, 2016
From Trophy Towns to City-States: Urban Civilization and Cultural Identities in Roman Pontus
Jesper Majbom Madsen, 2020
Electric City: The Lost History of Ford and Edison’s American Utopia
Thomas Hager, 2021
Digging Up Armageddon: The Search for the Lost City of Solomon
Eric H. Cline, 2020
The Digital City: Media and the Social Production of Place (Critical Cultural Communication, 4)
Germaine R. Halegoua, 2020
Migrant City: A New History of London
Panayi P., 2020