نتایج جستجو

Ancient Civilizations of Mexico and Central America
Herbert J. Spinden, 2012
The Endurance of Nationalism: Ancient Roots and Modern Dilemmas
Aviel Roshwald, 2006
The Mythology of Ancient Greece and Rome
Homer, Hesiod, Ovid, E. M. Berens, Jessie M. Tatlock, Samuel Butler, Hugh G. Evelyn-White, Henry Thomas Riley, 2021
Daemons and Spirits in Ancient Egypt
Carolyn Graves-Brown, 2019
Collapse or survival: micro-dynamics of crisis and endurance in the ancient central Mediterranean
Elisa Perego, Rafael Scopacasa, Silvia Amicone., 2019
Remove Not the Ancient Landmark: Public Monuments and Moral Values
Donald Martin Reynolds, 2013
Experience, Narrative, and Criticism in Ancient Greece: Under the Spell of Stories
Jonas Grethlein; Luuk Huitink; Aldo Tagliabue, 2019
Food, Identity and Cross-Cultural Exchange in the Ancient World (Collection Latomus)
W Broekaert (Editor), R Nadeau (Editor), J Wilkins (Editor), 2016
Religious and Philosophical Conversion in the Ancient Mediterranean Traditions
Athanasios Despotis (editor), Hermut Lohr (editor), 2022
Grassroots Activism of Ancient China: Mohism and Nonviolence
Hung-yok Ip, 2022
Naming the Witch: Magic, Ideology, and Stereotype in the Ancient World
Kimberly Stratton, 2007
Ancient Persia and Iranian Civilization
Clement Huart, 2013
Tales of royalty : notions of kingship in visual and textual narration in the Ancient Near East
Julia Linke (editor); Elisabeth Wagner-Durand (editor), 2020
The Sacred Bee in Ancient Times and Folklore
Hilda M. Ransome, 2012
Art and Culture of Ancient Rome
Nicholas Pistone; Matilde Bardi; Giovanni Di Pasquale, 2010
Investigating the Relationship Between Aristotle’s Eudemian and Nicomachean Ethics (Issues in Ancient Philosophy)
Giulio Di Basilio (editor), 2022
Religion and Politics in the Ancient Americas
Sarah B. Barber, Arthur A. Joyce, 2017
The State in Ancient Egypt: Power, Challenges and Dynamics
Juan Carlos Moreno Garcia, 2019
Awakening the Ancient Power of Snake: Transformation, Healing, and Enlightenment
Dawn Baumann Brunke, 2020