نتایج جستجو

The best American nonrequired reading 2014
Altschul, Andrew Foster; Becher, Cole; Brock-Broido, Lucie; Cranor, Jeffrey; Dargan, Kyle G.; Davis, Kathryn; Di Giovanni, Janine; Dickman, Matthew; El Rashidi, Yasmine; Fink, Joseph; Gabriel. Heller, ; Ganeshananthan, V. V.; Ghansah, Rachel Kaadzi; Grant, A. T.; Gumbiner, Daniel; Handler, Daniel; Johnson, Adam; Katz, Lally; Keane, Dan; Liebegott, Ali; Maner, Karen; Mogelson, Luke; Morgan, Maia; Nilsen, Anders; Oswald, Sylvan; Oz, Amos; Pierce, Thomas; Rich, Nathaniel; Ruykeyser, Rebecca; Sakuga, 2014
8051 Microcontroller and Embedded Systems, The
Muhammad Ali Mazidi, Janice Mazidi, Janice Gillispie Mazidi, 1999
Discharge Planning Handbook for Healthcare: Top 10 Secrets to Unlocking a New Revenue Pipeline
Ali Birjandi, Lisa M. Bragg, 2008
Petroleum Reservoir Simulation - A Basic Approach
M. R. Islam, S. M. Farouq Ali, J. H. Abou Kassem, Jamal H. Abou-kassem, 2006
Petroleum Reservoir Simulations: A Basic Approach
M. R. Islam, S. M. Farouq Ali, J. H. Abou Kassem, Jamal H. Abou-kassem, 2006
Petroleum Reservoir Simulations: A Basic Approach
M. R. Islam, S. M. Farouq Ali, J. H. Abou Kassem, Jamal H. Abou-kassem, 2006
Petroleum Reservoir Simulations: A Basic Approach
M. R. Islam, S. M. Farouq Ali, J. H. Abou Kassem, Jamal H. Abou-kassem, 2006
Petroleum Reservoir Simulations: A Basic Approach
M. R. Islam, S. M. Farouq Ali, J. H. Abou Kassem, Jamal H. Abou-kassem, 2006
Determination of transition probabilities for the 3p fi 3s transition array in neon using laser induced breakdown spectroscopy
Haroon Asghar, 1,a) Raheel Ali, 1 and M. Aslam Baig 2,b)
Algorithms and Data Structures: 11th International Symposium, WADS 2009, Banff, Canada, August 21-23, 2009. Proceedings
Mohammad Ali Abam, Paz Carmi, Mohammad Farshi (auth.), Frank Dehne, Marina Gavrilova, Jörg-Rüdiger Sack, Csaba D. Tóth (eds.), 2009
An Introduction to Analysis on Wiener Space
Ali Süleyman Üstünel (auth.), 1995
Design of Urban Space: An Inquiry into a Socio-Spatial Process
Ali Madanipour, 1996
Gendering Urban Space in the Middle East, South Asia, and Africa
Martina Rieker, Kamran Asdar Ali, 2008
Signals and Systems A Primer with MATLAB
Coding for MIMO Communication Systems
Tolga M. Duman, Ali Ghrayeb, 2008
Advanced Building Simulation
Ali MMalkawi, Godfried Augenbroe (eds ), 2004
PIC Microcontroller
Muhammad Ali Mazidi, Rolin McKinlay, Danny Causey, 2007
Doppler Applications in LEO Satellite Communication Systems: CD-ROM included
Irfan Ali, Pierino G. Bonanni, Naofal Al-Dhahir, John E. Hershey, 2001
Carbon Nanotube Electronics
Ji-Yong Park (auth.), Jing Kong, Ali Javey (eds.), 2009
Integration of Green and Renewable Energy in Electric Power Systems
Ali Keyhani, Mohammad N. Marwali, Min Dai, 2009
Wind Energy Systems: Solutions for Power Quality and Stabilization
Mohd. Hasan Ali, 2012
Exergy analysis of a turbofan engine for an unmanned aerial vehicle during a surveillance mission
Yasin Sohret, Ali Dinc, T. Hikmet Karakoc, 2015