نتایج جستجو

Ethical Discourse in Finance: Interdisciplinary and Diverse Perspectives
Marizah Minhat, Nazam Dzolkarnaini, 2021
International Disability Rights Advocacy (Interdisciplinary Disability Studies)
Daniel Pateisky, 2021
Human Trafficking: Interdisciplinary Perspectives
Mary C. Burke (editor), 2022
On Exit Interdisciplinary Perspectives on the Right of Exit in Liberal Multicultural Societies
Dagmar Borchers, Annamari Vitikainen, 2012
Slapstick: An Interdisciplinary Companion
Alena E. Lyons, Ervin Malakaj, 2021
Interdisciplinary Approaches to Overlap Disorders in Dermatology & Rheumatology
Amit Garg, Joseph F. Merola, Laura Fitzpatrick, 2022
VOICES: Voices of Interdisciplinary Critical Explorations (A Peer Reviewed Journal)
Rajul Bhargava (Editor), Shubhshree Bhargava (Guest Editor), 2021
VOICES: Voices of Interdisciplinary Critical Explorations (A Peer Reviewed Journal)
Rajul Bhargava (Editor), 2020
VOICES: Voices of Interdisciplinary Critical Explorations (A Peer Reviewed Journal)
Editor: Prof. Rajul Bhargava, Guest Editor: Shubhshree Bhargava, 2021
Zones of Focused Ambiguity in Siri Hustvedt's Works: Interdisciplinary Essays
Johanna Hartmann, Christine Marks, Hubert Zapf, 2016
Being and Becoming Hausa: Interdisciplinary Perspectives
Anne Haour; Benedetta Rossi, 2010
Connectivity Across Borders, Boundaries and Bodies: International and Interdisciplinary Perspectives
Edie Lanphar; Phil Fitzsimmons, 2014
Origins of the Earth, Moon, and Life. An Interdisciplinary Approach
Akio Makishima, 2017
Advances in Interdisciplinary Language Policy
François Grin (editor), László Marácz (editor), Nike K. Pokorn (editor), 2022
Language development at the crossroads : papers from the Interdisciplinary Conference on Language Acquisition at Passau
Sascha W. Felix, Hennig Wode, 1983
Fictions and Metafictions of Evil: Essays in Literary Criticism, Comparative Literature and Interdisciplinary Studies
Grazyna Branny (editor), J. Gill Holland (editor), 2013
Silence and the Silenced: Interdisciplinary Perspectives
Leslie Boldt (editor), Corrado Federici (editor), Ernesto Virgulti (editor), 2013
Nineteenth Century Childhoods in Interdisciplinary and International Perspectives
Jane Eva Baxter (editor), Meredith A.B. Ellis (editor), 2018
Nineteenth Century Childhoods in Interdisciplinary and International Perspectives
Jane Eva Baxter (editor), Meredith a.B. Ellis (editor), 2018
Racializing Humankind: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Practices of Race and Racism
Julian Gartner (editor), Malin Wilckens (editor), 2022