نتایج جستجو

Misogyny as Hate Crime
Irene Zempi, Jo Smith, 2021
Strategic Management: State of the Field and Its Future
Irene M. Duhaime, Michael A. Hitt, Majorie A. Lyles, 2021
Governing the World's Biggest Market: The Politics of Derivatives Regulation After the 2008 Crisis
Eric Helleiner, Stefano Pagliari, Irene Spagna, 2018
Homer: Beyond Oral Poetry. Recent Trends in Homeric Interpretation
Irene J. F. de Jong (editor); Jan Maarten Bremer (editor); J. Kalff (editor), 1987
Ringen um Versöhnung. Religion und Politik im Verhältnis zwischen Deutschland und Polen seit 1945
Urszula Pekala, Irene Dingel (eds.), 2018
Pigs Welfare in Practice
Irene Camerlink, 2020
Time and the Shared World: Heidegger on Social Relations
Irene McMullin, 2013
Papyrus. L'infinito in un giunco
Irene Vallejo, 2021
Qualitative Interviewing: The Art of Hearing Data
Herbert J. Rubin, Irene S. Rubin, 2011
Homer, Beyond Oral Poetry: Recent Trends in Homeric Interpretation
Jan Maarten Bremer; Irene J. F. de Jong; J. Kalff, 1987
Passport to Jewish Music: Its History, Traditions, and Culture
Irene Heskes, 1994
Handbook of Mathematical Functions: with Formulas, Graphs, and Mathematical Tables (Dover Books on Mathematics)
Milton Abramowitz (editor), Irene A. Stegun (editor), 1965
The Oxford Handbook of Martin Luther's Theology
Robert Kolb; Irene Dingel; Lubomir Batka, 2014
Global Pandemics and Epistemic Crises in Psychology
Dege, Martin; Strasser, Irene, 2021
The Psychology of Global Crises and Crisis Politics: Intervention, Resistance, Decolonization
Irene Strasser, Martin Dege, 2021
Sewing Made Easy
Dorothy Sara, Irene Gora, 1977
Prepáralos para el futuro: Consejos para desarrollar la resiliencia en el aula y en la vida
Irene Navarro Álvarez, 2016
Prepáralos para el futuro: Consejos para desarrollar la resiliencia en el aula y en la vida
Irene Navarro Álvarez, 2016
Handbook of Particle Detection and Imaging
Ivor Fleck (editor), Maxim Titov (editor), Claus Grupen (editor), Irène Buvat (editor), 2021
Educazione sessista. Stereotipi di genere nei libri delle elementari
Irene Biemmi, 2018
Visiones y pensamientos entorno a una creación artística : materia negra y mística
Alejandro Mañas; Axier Ariznabarreta Martínez; Irene Ballester Buigues; Leticia Fayos Bosch; Ismael Teira Muñiz; Álvaro Terrones, 2020
Exhausting Intellectual Property Rights: A Comparative Law and Policy Analysis
Shubha Ghosh, Irene Calboli, 2018
Fleshing the Spirit: Spirituality and Activism in Chicana, Latina, and Indigenous Women’s Lives
Elisa Facio (editor), Irene Lara (editor), 2014
Dentro l'arte Vol. 4 Dalla Controriforma all'Impressionismo
Irene Baldriga, 2016