نتایج جستجو

Machine Learning for Brain Disorders (Neuromethods, 197)
Olivier Colliot (editor), 2023
Machine Learning for Brain Disorders (Neuromethods, 197)
Olivier Colliot (editor), 2023
High Performance Computing in Clouds: Moving HPC Applications to a Scalable and Cost-Effective Environment
Edson Borin, Lúcia Maria A. Drummond, Jean-Luc Gaudiot, Alba Melo, Maicon Melo Alves, Philippe Olivier Alexandre Navaux, 2023
Petit panda est libre !
Juliette Parachini-Deny, Olivier Dupin
Par la bêche et le stylet! Cultures et sociétés syro-mésopotamiennes: Mélanges offerts à Olivier Rouault
Philippe Abrahami; Laura Battini, 2019
Innovative Methods for Science Education: History of Science, ICT and Inquiry Based Science Teaching : History of Science, ICT and Inquiry Based Science Teaching
Peter Heering; Olivier Bruneau; Pere Grapí; Sylvain Laubé; Maria-Rosa Massa-Esteve; Thomas de Vittori, 2012
Open educational resources and open pedagogy in Lebanon and South Africa
Jako Olivier & Fawzi Baroud (Editors), 2023
Enjeux et Repères Économie Terminale STMG - Livre du Professeur - Éd. 2020
Anas Khaneboubi, Delphine Lahaye, Clément Marzullo, Gaëtan Meuret, Vincent Rochery, Stéphanie Thurotte-Olivier![Azure Data and AI Architect Handbook: Adopt a structured approach to designing data and AI solutions at scale [Team-IRA]](http://cdn.ketabkoo.com/covers/17/1715805-n.jpg)
Azure Data and AI Architect Handbook: Adopt a structured approach to designing data and AI solutions at scale [Team-IRA]
Olivier Mertens, Breght Van Baelen, 2023
The Cambridge Handbook of Cognitive Development (Cambridge Handbooks in Psychology)
Olivier Houdé (editor), 2022
Philosophy, History and Biology: Essays in Honour of Jean Gayon
Pierre-Olivier Méthot, 2023
Balancing Act: Cutting Energy Subsidies while Protecting Affordability
Caterina Ruggeri Laderchi; Anne Olivier; Chris Trimble, 2013
Diodori Tarsensis Commentarii in Psalmos I: Commentarii in Psalmos I-L.
J.-M. Olivier (ed), Diodorus Tarsensis, 1980
Diodori Tarsensis Commentarii in Psalmos I: Commentarii in Psalmos I-L.
J.-M. Olivier (ed), Diodorus Tarsensis, 1980
The Other Rise of the Novel in Eighteenth-Century French Fiction
Olivier Delers, 2015
Complexities and Dangers of Remembering and Forgetting in Rwanda : Memory Traps Volume I
Olivier Nyirubugara, 2013
Caesar Rules: The Emperor in the Changing Roman World (c. 50 BC – AD 565)
Olivier Hekster, 2022
Pediatric Neurology
Olivier Dulac, Maryse Lassonde and Harvey B. Sarnat (Eds.), 2013
Pediatric Neurology Part III
Olivier Dulac, Maryse Lassonde and Harvey B. Sarnat (Eds.), 2013
Arithmetic Tales
Olivier Bordellès, Véronique Bordellès, 2012
Enclosing Space, Opening New Ground: Iron Age Studies from Scotland to Mainland Europe
Tanja Romankiewicz (editor), Manuel Fernández-Götz (editor), Gary Lock (editor), Olivier Büchsenschütz (editor), 2019
Trois jours et trois nuits
Bruckner Pascal, Sylvain Tesson, Camille Pascal, Jean-René Van der Plaetsen, Frédéric BeigbederRaphaël Enthoven; Jean-Marie Rouart; Franz-Olivier Giesbert; Sébastien Lapaque; Thibault de Montaigu; Louis-Henri de la Rochefoucauld; Boualem Sansal; Simon Liberati; Xavier Darcos, 2021
Μουσική Ανάλυση και Ερμηνεία. Πρακτικά Β΄ Συνδρίου Μουσικολογίας, Μέγαρο Μουσικής Αθηνών 4-6 Νοεμβρίου 2003
Ολυμπία Ψυχοπαίδη-Φράγκου, Ίων Ζώτος, Πύρρος Μπαμίχας, Πάνος Βλαγκόπουλος. Irmgard Lerch-Καλαβρυτινού, Christoph Stroux, Μάρκος Τσέτσος, Κωνσταντίνος Φλώρος, Hans-Joachim Hinrichsen, Αναστάσιος Χαψούλας, Αλεξάνδρα Γουλάκη-Βουτυρά, Αναστασία Γεωργάκη, Γιώργος Π. Πλουμπίδης, Νικόλας Λαγουμιτζής, Νίκος Τσούχλος, Nicholas Cook, Nicholas Zumbro, Ιωάννης Φούλιας, Γιώργος Φιτσιώρης, Καίτη Ρωμάνου, Γιώργος Ζερβός, Μάκης Σολωμός, Hermann Danuser, Olivier Revault D' Allonnes, 2006