نتایج جستجو

Ophthalmology Review: A Case Study Approach
Kuldev Singh, William E. Smiddy, Andrew G. Lee, 2001
The Strange Case Of Mrs. Hudson’s Cat: The Einstein Paradox, And Other Science Mysteries Solved By Sherlock Holmes
Colin Bruce, Alex Jeapes, 1997
The ego and his own : the case of the individual against authority
Max Stirner, Steven T. Byington, James Joseph Martin, 2014
Case Study Method: Key Issues, Key Texts
Roger Gomm, Martyn Hammersley, Peter Foster (eds.), 2000
Cold Case Investigations
Xanthe Mallett, 2019
Keynes Against Capitalism: His Economic Case for Liberal Socialism
James R. Crotty, 2019
Fraud Investigation: Case Studies of Crime Signal Detection
Petter Gottschalk, 2018
Fraud Investigation: Case Studies of Crime Signal Detection
Petter Gottschalk, 2018
Legal book collecting in late medieval Bristol : the case of Harvard, Houghton Library, ms Richardson 40
Stephanie Jane Lahey, 2015
The Lazarus Files: A Cold Case Investigation
Matthew McGough, 2019
The Case Against Free Speech: The First Amendment, Fascism, and the Future of Dissent
P. E. Moskowitz, 2019
The Case for Universal Basic Income
Louise Haagh, 2019
China’s Republican Revolution: The Case of Kwangtung, 1895-1913
Edward Rhoads, 1975
The Case Against Sugar
Gary Taubes
Single-Case Experimental Designs for Clinical Research and Neurorehabilitation Settings: Planning, Conduct, Analysis and Reporting
Robyn Tate; Michael Perdices, 2018
Chauvinism, Polish Style: The Case of Roman Dmowski (Beginnings: 1886-1905)
Grzegorz Krzywiec, Jaroslaw Garlinski, 2016
On Fire: The Burning Case for a Green New Deal
Naomi Klein, 2019
Dynamic Programming for Impulse Feedback and Fast Controls: The Linear Systems Case
Alexander B. Kurzhanski, Alexander N. Daryin, 2020