نتایج جستجو

Innovative Approaches in Teaching English Writing to Chinese Speakers
Barry Lee Reynolds (editor), Mark Feng Teng (editor), 2021
Innovative Approaches in Teaching English Writing to Chinese Speakers
Barry Lee Reynolds (editor), Mark Feng Teng (editor), 2021
Fateful Decisions: Choices That Will Shape China's Future
Thomas Fingar (editor), Jean C. Oi (editor), 2020
Theology as Doxology and Dialogue: The Essential Writings of Nikos Nissiotis
Nikos Nissiotis, Nikolaos Asproulis (editor), John Chryssavgis (editor), 2019
The Internal Market 2.0
Sacha Garben (Editor), Inge Govaere (Editor), 2020
New Perspectives on Human Security
Malcolm McIntosh (editor), Alan Hunter (editor), 2010
Motion in Maps, Maps in Motion: Mapping Stories and Movement through Time
Zef Segal (editor), Bram Vannieuwenhuyze (editor), 2020
Pondera, pesi e misure nell'antichità
Carla Corti (editor); Nicoletta Giordani (editor), 2001
New Frontiers in Japanese Studies
Akihiro Ogawa (editor), Philip Seaton (editor), 2020
New Frontiers in Japanese Studies
Akihiro Ogawa (editor), Philip Seaton (editor), 2020
Diffusion in Minerals and Melts
Youxue Zhang (editor), Daniele J. Cherniak (editor), 2010
The Inspirational Untold Stories of Secondary Mathematics Teachers
Alice F. Artzt (editor), Frances R. Curcio (editor), 2020
Cultural Psychology in Communities: Tensions and Transformations
Floor Van Alphen (editor), Susanne Normann (editor), 2020
The Impact of PDS Partnerships in Challenging Times
Pixita del Prado Hill (editor), Keli Garas-York (editor), 2021
Optimization in Polymer Processing
Antonia Gaspar-cunha (editor), Jose Antonio Covas (editor), 2011
Advances in Wastewater Treatment I
Vimal Gandhi (editor), Kinjal Shah (editor), 2021
Communicative Approaches to Ancient Languages
Mair E. Lloyd (editor), Steven Hunt (editor), 2021
Rome and the Seleukid East: Selected Papers from Seleukid Study Day V, Brussels, 21-23 August 2015
Altay Coskun (editor), David Engels (editor), 2019
L'anticristo. Testo latino a fronte. La scienza della fine. Testi dal XIII al XV secolo
Gian Luca Potestà (editor), Marco Rizzi (editor), 2019
Grandezza e catastrofe di Bisanzio. Testo greco a fronte. Libri I-VIII
Coniata Niceta, Jan-Louis Van Dieten (editor), Anna Pontani (editor), 2017
Anime and Philosophy: Wide Eyed Wonder
Joseph Steiff, Tristan D Tamplin, Josef Steiff (editor), Tristan D. Tamplin (editor), 2010
Anime and Philosophy: Wide Eyed Wonder
Joseph Steiff, Tristan D Tamplin, Josef Steiff (editor), Tristan D. Tamplin (editor), 2010
Audio Education: Theory, Culture, and Practice
Daniel Walzer (editor), Mariana Lopez (editor), 2020
Audio Education: Theory, Culture, and Practice
Daniel Walzer (editor), Mariana Lopez (editor), 2020