نتایج جستجو

Pseudodifferential Operators with Applications
A. Dynin (auth.), Prof. A. Avantaggiati (eds.), 2011
Notfallmedizin Fragen und Antworten
Prof. Dr. Franz Kehl (auth.), 2011
Geometric Measure Theory and Minimal Surfaces
W. K. Allard (auth.), Prof. E. Bombieri (eds.), 2011
Physik für Mediziner: Eine Einführung
Prof. Dr. Ulrich Harten (auth.), 2011
Potential Theory
Marcel Brelot (auth.), Prof. M. Brelot (eds.), 2011
Model Theory and Applications
Gerald E. Sacks (auth.), Prof. P. Mangani (eds.), 2011
Differential Operators on Manifolds
M. F. Atiyah (auth.), Prof. E. Vesenttni (eds.), 2011
Aspects of Mathematical Logic
H. Hermes (auth.), Prof. E. Casari (eds.), 2011