نتایج جستجو

Multifunctionality in English: Corpora, Language and Academic Literacy Pedagogy
Zihan Yin (editor), Elaine Vine (editor), 2022
Critical Dialogues in Latinx Studies: A Reader
Ana Y. Ramos-Zayas (editor), Merida M. Rua (editor), 2021
Made in Finland: Studies in Popular Music
Toni-Matti Karjalainen (editor), Kimi Kärki (editor), 2020
Households and Financialization in Europe: Mapping Variegated Patterns in Semi-Peripheries
Marek Mikuš (editor), Petra Rodik (editor), 2021
Comparative Literature for the New Century
Giulia De Gasperi (editor), Joseph Pivato (editor), 2018
Men Who Hate Women and Women Who Kick Their Asses: Stieg Larsson's Millennium Trilogy in Feminist Perspective
Donna King (editor), Carrie Lee Smith (editor), 2012
Abusive Practices in Competition Law
Fabiana Di Porto (editor), Rupprecht Podszun (editor), 2018
The Routledge Handbook of Environmental Movements
Maria Grasso (editor), Marco Giugni (editor), 2022
The Challenge to Friendship in Modernity
Heather Devere (editor), Preston King (editor), 2000
Police Psychology: New Trends in Forensic Psychological Science
Paulo Marques (editor), Mauro Paulino (editor), 2021
The Routledge Handbook of Second Language Acquisition and Language Testing (The Routledge Handbooks in Second Language Acquisition)
Paula Winke (editor), Tineke Brunfaut (editor), 2020
Theories in Second Language Acquisition: An Introduction (Second Language Acquisition Research Series)
Bill VanPatten (editor), Jessica Williams (editor), 2014
End of empire and the English novel since 1945
Rachael Gilmour (editor), Bill Schwarz (editor), 2011
The Lower Criminal Courts
Alisa Smith (editor), Sean Maddan (editor), 2019
Open Me Carefully: Emily Dickinson's Intimate Letters to Susan Huntington Dickinson
Martha Nell Smith (editor), Ellen Louise Hart (editor), 1998
Amid Our Troubles: Irish Versions of Greek Tragedy
Marianne McDonald (editor), J. Michael Walton (editor), 2002
Women's Rights, Human Rights: International Feminist Perspectives
J. S. Peters (editor), Andrea Wolper (editor), 1995
Abortion and Democracy: Contentious Body Politics in Argentina, Chile, and Uruguay
Barbara Sutton (editor), Nayla Luz Vacarezza (editor), 2021
Posted Work in the European Union: The Political Economy of Free Movement
Jens Arnholtz (editor), Nathan Lillie (editor), 2019
Regional Energy Initiatives: MedReg and the Energy Community
Carlo Cambini (editor), Alessandro Rubino (editor), 2014
Websters II New College Dictionary
Webster's New World Dictionary (editor), Editors Of Webster's II Dictionaries (editor), 2005
The Routledge Handbook of Research Methods in the Study of Religion
Steven Engler (editor), Michael Stausberg (editor), 2021
The New Pan-Americanism and the Structuring of Inter-American Relations
Juan Pablo Scarfi (editor), David M. K. Sheinin (editor), 2022
Research Handbook on Post-Conflict State Building
Paul R. Williams (editor), Milena Sterio (editor), 2020