نتایج جستجو

A Typology of Purpose Clauses
Karsten Schmidtke-Bode, 2009
Aufbruch zur Demokratie: Politische Bildung in den 90er Jahren Ziele Bedingungen Probleme
Herbert Knepper (auth.), 1994
FASTtrack: Pharmaceutics - Drug Delivery and Targeting
Yvonne Perrie, 2009
Cambridge - Objective First Certificate (FCE)
Annette Capel, 2004
Drug and Enzyme Targeting: Part A
Nathan P. Colowick, 1985
Palliative Care: A Practical Guide for the Health Professional. Finding meaning and purpose in life and death
Kathryn M. Boog, BScOT HPCReg,, 2008
A Larger Sense of Purpose: Higher Education and Society (The 2003 Clark Kerr Lectures)
Harold T. Shapiro, 2005
Beyond Reason and Tolerance: The Purpose and Practice of Higher Education
Robert J. Thompson, 2014
The Conquest of Cancer: A distant goal
Guy Faguet, 2015
Helping College Students Find Purpose: The Campus Guide to Meaning-Making
Robert J. Nash, 2010
Balanced Website Design: Optimising Aesthetics, Usability and Purpose
Dave Lawrence BSc, 2007
Actor and the Target
Declan Donnellan, 2005