نتایج جستجو

Piezoelectric Materials: Advances in Science, Technology and Applications
V. V. Lemanov (auth.), Carmen Galassi, Maria Dinescu, Kenji Uchino, Michael Sayer (eds.), 2000
Continuous and Discontinuous Modelling of Cohesive-Frictional Materials
M. A. Gutiérrez, R. de Borst (auth.), Pieter A. Vermeer, Hans J. Herrmann, Stefan Luding, Wolfgang Ehlers, Stefan Diebels, Ekkehard Ramm (eds.), 2001
Continuous and Discontinuous Modelling of Cohesive-Frictional Materials
M. A. Gutiérrez, R. de Borst (auth.), Pieter A. Vermeer, Hans J. Herrmann, Stefan Luding, Wolfgang Ehlers, Stefan Diebels, Ekkehard Ramm (eds.), 2001
Advanced Strength of Materials (Dover Books on Engineering)
J. P. Den Hartog, 1987
Advanced Tomographic Methods in Materials Research and Engineering
John Banhart, 2008
Advances in Nanoengineering: Electronics, Materials and Assembly (Royal Society Series on Advances in Science)
A. G. Davies, A. G. Davies, J. M. T. Thompson, 2007
Protection of Materials and Structures from Space Environment: ICPMSE-6 (Space Technology Proceedings)
J. Kleiman, Zelina Iskanderova, 2003
Construction Hazardous Materials Compliance Guide
Woodson, R. Dodge (Auth.), 2012
Composites for Construction: Structural Design with FRP Materials
Lawrence C. Bank, 2006
Concrete Materials: Properties, Specifications and Testing
Sandor Popovics, 1992
Concrete: Microstructure, Properties, and Materials
P. Mehta, Paulo Monteiro, 2005
Highly Efficient OLEDs with Phosphorescent Materials
Hartmut Yersin, 2007
Thermal and Electrical Conductivity of Polymer Materials
D. M. Bigg (auth.), 1995
Transmission Electron Microscopy and Diffractometry of Materials
Brent Fultz, James Howe, 2005
Transmission Electron Microscopy and Diffractometry of Materials
Brent Fultz, James M. Howe, 2007
Craig's Restorative Dental Materials, 13th Edition
Ronald L. Sakaguchi DDS PhD, John M. Powers PhD, 2011
Cognition and fact: materials on Ludwik Fleck
Robert Sonné Cohen, Thomas Schnelle (Ludwik Fleck), 1986
Advanced Materials and Techniques for Reinforced Concrete Structures
Mohamed El-Reedy, 2009
Advanced materials for joint implants
Giuseppe Pezzotti, 2013