نتایج جستجو

A Theory of Case-Based Decisions
Itzhak Gilboa, 2001
A Theory of Case-Based Decisions
Itzhak Gilboa, 2001
Consultations in Infectious Disease: A Case Based Approach to Diagnosis and Management
Daniel Caplivski, 2012
Good Taxes: The Case for Taxing Foreign Currency Exchange and Other Financial Transactions
Alex C. Michalos, 1997
Integrated Pest Management: Concepts, Tactics, Strategies and Case Studies
Edward B. Radcliffe, 2009
SARS: A Case Study in Emerging Infections
Angela R. McLean, 2005
Cross-Cultural Case Study (Studies in Qualitative Methodology, Vol. 6)
Christopher Pole, 2000
Bioengineering Case Studies: Sustainable Stream Bank and Slope Stabilization
Wendi Goldsmith, 2014
The Sonderberg Case
Elie Wiesel, 2010
The Sonderberg Case
Élie Wiesel, 2010
The Sonderberg Case
Élie Wiesel, 2010
Case Studies in Gerontological Nursing for the Advanced Practice Nurse
Meredith Wallace Kazer, 2014
Clinical Case Studies for the Family Nurse Practitioner
Neal-Boylan, 2011
Clinical Case Studies in Home Health Care
Leslie Neal‐Boylan(eds.), 2011
Clinical Case Studies in Home Health Care
Leslie Neal-Boylan, 2011
The Vault Guide to the Case Interview
Mark Asher, 2005
The Health Care Case: The Supreme Court's Decision and Its Implications
Nathaniel Persily, 2013
Alaska Natives and American Laws
David S. Case, 2012
Sustainable Development in Practice: Case Studies for Engineers and Scientists
Adisa Azapagic, 2004
Sustainable Development in Practice: Case Studies for Engineers and Scientists
Adisa Azapagic, 2004
Applied Theatre: International Case Studies and Challenges for Practice
Monica Prendergast, 2010