نتایج جستجو

Mathematical Statistics for Economics and Business
Ron C. Mittelhammer (auth.), 1996
Mathematical Statistics for Economics and Business
Ron C. Mittelhammer (auth.), 2013
Mathematical Statistics for Economics and Business
Ron C. Mittelhammer, 2013
MMS: Technologies, Usage and Business Models
Daniel Ralph, 2004
Database Management Systems: Designing and Building Business Applications
Gerald V. Post, 1998
A Strange Business: Making Art and Money in Nineteenth-Century Britain
James Hamilton, 2014
Humanism in Business
Heiko Spitzeck, 2009
How to Grow Your Small Business Rapidly Online
Jim Green, 2007
Starting Your Own Business
Jim Green, 1998
Manifesto of the New Economy: Institutions and Business Models of the Digital Society
Alexander Dolgin (auth.), 2012
Manifesto of the New Economy: Institutions and Business Models of the Digital Society
Alexander Dolgin (auth.), 2012
Business And Legal Forms for Fine Artists (3rd Edition)
Tad Crawford, 2005
NTC's American business terms dictionary
Donald L. Caruth, 1994
Ntc's Mass Media Dictionary (Business)
R. Terry Ellmore, 1991
J.K. Lasser pro estate and business succession planning : a legal guide to wealth transfer
Russell J Fishkind, 2001
J.K. Lasser ProEstate and Business Succession Planning: A Legal Guide to Wealth Transfer
Russell J. Fishkind, 2002
The Girls' Guide to Building a Million-Dollar Business A book NOT just for women
Susan Wilson Solovic, 2007
Creating an Herbal Bodycare Business
Sandy Maine, 1999
Don't Feed The Ducks!: Inspire Young People, Create a Brilliant Business
Liam O"Connell, 2010
Business Analytics: Data Analysis & Decision Making
S. Christian Albright, 2014
Microsoft Excel 2010: Data analysis and business modeling
Wayne L. Winston, 2011