نتایج جستجو

Jihād: From Qur’ān to bin Laden
Richard Bonney (auth.), 2004
Outlandish English Subjects in the Victorian Domestic Novel
Timothy L. Carens (auth.), 2005
Refugees of the French Revolution: Émigrés in London, 1789–1802
Kirsty Carpenter (auth.), 1999
Evolutionary Finance
Dr Bartholomew Frederick Dowling (auth.), 2005
Constitution-Making and the Labour Party
Mark Evans (auth.), 2003
Mass Observation and Everyday Life: Culture, History, Theory
Nick Hubble (auth.), 2006
Parties and the Party System in France: A Disconnected Democracy?
Andrew Knapp (auth.), 2004
European Integration and Industrial Relations: Multi-Level Governance in the Making
Paul Marginson, Keith Sisson (auth.), 2006
The Language of Belonging
Ulrike Hanna Meinhof, Dariusz Galasiński (auth.), 2005
Economic Transition in Central Europe and the Commonwealth of Independent States
Tomasz Mickiewicz (auth.), 2005
Identity, Crime, and Legal Responsibility in Eighteenth-Century England
Dana Y. Rabin (auth.), 2004
Nervous Acts: Essays on Literature, Culture and Sensibility
George S. Rousseau (auth.), 2004
The United States and the Nuclear Dimension of European Integration
Gunnar Skogmar (auth.), 2004
Managing Creativity in Organizations: Critique and Practices
Alexander Styhre, Mats Sundgren (auth.), 2005
Rewriting the First World War: Lloyd George, Politics and Strategy 1914–1918
Andrew Suttie (auth.), 2005
Nazi Medicine and the Nuremberg Trials: From Medical War Crimes to Informed Consent
Paul Julian Weindling (auth.), 2004
Thomas Hardy, Metaphysics and Music
Mark Asquith (auth.), 2005
The God/Man/World Triangle: A Dialogue between Science and Religion
Robert Crawford (auth.), 1997
Tennyson’s Scepticism
Aidan Day (auth.), 2005
Economic Models of Climate Change: A Critique
Stephen J. DeCanio (auth.), 2003
Intellectuals and Politics in Post-War France
David Drake (auth.), 2002
The French Road to European Monetary Union
David J. Howarth (auth.), 2001
Nazi Propaganda and the Second World War
Aristotle A. Kallis (auth.), 2005
Race, Maternity, and the Politics of Birth Control in South Africa, 1910–39
Susanne M. Klausen (auth.), 2004