نتایج جستجو

Arab Linguistics: An introductory classical text with translation and notes
Michael G. Carter, 1981
China's Foreign Policy in the Arab World, 1955-75: Three Case Studies
Hashim S. H. Behbehani, 1981
Guerrilla Leader: T. E. Lawrence and the Arab Revolt
James J. Schneider, 2011
In God's Path: The Arab Conquests and the Creation of an Islamic Empire (Revised Edition)
Robert G. Hoyland, 2021
In God's Path: The Arab Conquests and the Creation of an Islamic Empire (Revised Edition)
Robert G. Hoyland, 2021
The Arab Nahdah: The Making of the Intellectual and Humanist Movement
Abdulrazzak Patel, 2013
The Arab Winter: A Tragedy
Noah Feldman, 2020
A Tale of Four Worlds: The Arab Region After the Uprisings
David Ottaway, Marina Ottaway, 2019
In God's Path: The Arab Conquests and the Creation of an Islamic Empire
Robert G. Hoyland, 2014
Conflict in the Holy Land: From Ancient Times to the Arab-Israeli Conflicts
Robert C. DiPrizio (Editor), 2020
Conflict in the Holy Land: From Ancient Times to the Arab-Israeli Conflicts
Robert C. DiPrizio (Editor), 2020
The Israel-Arab Reader: A Documentary History of the Middle East Conflict
Walter Laqueur, 2016
The American University of Beirut: Arab Nationalism and Liberal Education
Betty S. Anderson, 2011
Arab Theologians on Jews and Israel (Archival)
David G Littman, 2011
The Arab Baʻth Socialist Party: History, Ideology, and Organization
Kamel Abu Jaber, 1966
Jews in an Arab Land: Libya, 1835–1970
Renzo De Felice; Judith Roumani, 1985
The Arabs and the World: Nasser's Arab Nationalist Policy
Charles Davis Cremeans, 1963
Modern History of the Arab Countries: Modern History From 16th century to 20th century
Vladimir Lutsky; Yahia Mohammed Yahia Abdallah, 1969
The Crystallization of the Arab State System, 1945-1954
Bruce Maddy-Weitzmann, 1993
The Empire in the City: Arab Provincial Capitals in the Late Ottoman Empire
Jens Hanssen; Thomas Philipp; Stefan Weber, 2002