نتایج جستجو

Application of Soft Computing, Machine Learning, Deep Learning and Optimizations in Geoengineering and Geoscience
Wengang Zhang, Yanmei Zhang, Xin Gu, Chongzhi Wu, Liang Han, 2021
Knowledge Science, Engineering and Management: 14th International Conference, KSEM 2021, Tokyo, Japan, August 14–16, 2021, Proceedings, Part II (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 12816)
Han Qiu (editor), Cheng Zhang (editor), Zongming Fei (editor), Meikang Qiu (editor), Sun-Yuan Kung (editor), 2021
The Forest of Changes: The Jiao Shi Yi Lin, a Han Dynasty Divination Manual
Christopher Gait, 2016
Toàn Thư Tự Học Chữ Hán
Trần Văn Chánh, Lê Anh Minh, 2015
Faith, Myth, and Reason in Han China
Michael Loewe, 2005
Mean Field Game and its Applications in Wireless Networks
Reginald A. Banez, Lixin Li, Chungang Yang, Zhu Han, 2021
Mean Field Game and its Applications in Wireless Networks
Reginald A. Banez, Lixin Li, Chungang Yang, Zhu Han, 2021
How China Sees the World: Han-Centrism and the Balance of Power in International Politics
John M Friend; Bradley A Thayer, 2018
Undinge: Umbrüche der Lebenswelt (German Edition)
Byung-Chul Han, 2021
Approaches, Advances and Applications in Sustainable Development of Smart Cities
Tan Yigitcanlar (editor), Hoon Han (editor), MD (Liton) Kamruzzaman (editor), 2020
Instruktionen: Frankreich - Schweden - Kaiser
Fritz Dickmann, Kriemhild Goronzy, Emil Schieche, Han Wagner und Ernst Manfred Wermter (eds.), 1962
The Proceedings of the 9th Frontier Academic Forum of Electrical Engineering : Volume II
Laili Wang (editor); Dingxin Liu (editor); Xiaogang Han (editor); Weijiang Chen (editor); Qingxin Yang (editor); Guodong Meng (editor), 2021
Rise of a Japanese Chinatown: Yokohama, 1894-1972
Eric C. Han, 2014
Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface-Empowered 6G (Wireless Networks)
Hongliang Zhang, Boya Di, Lingyang Song, Zhu Han, 2021
Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface-Empowered 6G (Wireless Networks)
Hongliang Zhang, Boya Di, Lingyang Song, Zhu Han, 2021
El aroma del tiempo: Un ensayo filosófico sobre el arte de demorarse
Byung-Chul Han, 2015
Operator Theory, Operator Algebras, and Applications
Han D., Jorgensen P., Larson D. (eds.), 2006
Communities, Land and Social Innovation: Land Taking and Land Making in an Urbanising World
Pieter Van den Broeck (editor), Asiya Sadiq (editor), Ide Hiergens (editor), Monica Quintana Molina (editor), Han Verschure (editor), Frank Moulaert (editor), 2020
Loa a la tierra: un viaje al jardín
Byung-Chul Han, 2019