نتایج جستجو

Hollow Fiber Membranes: Fabrication and Applications
Tai-Shung Chung (editor), Yingnan Feng (editor), 2021
Struggle for National Survival: Chinese Eugenics in a Transnational Context, 1896-1945
Yuehsten Juliette Chung, 2002
The Common Law System in Chinese Context
Berry Fong-Chung Hau, 2019
Zen em quadrinhos
Tsai Chih Chung, 2014
Modernizing the Korean Welfare State: Towards the Productive Welfare Model
Ramesh Mishra; Kyungbae Chung; Neil Gilbert; Stein Kuhnle, 2004
Living in the Margins in Mainland China, Hong Kong and India
Wing Chung Ho, Florence Padovani, 2020
Feminist Theology Reaching New Borders/ Búsquedas de la teología feminista
Olga Vélez, Meehyun Chung, Isabel Corpas, Ivone Gebara, Diego Irarrázaval, , Mercedes Lopes, Agustine Murniati, Carmiña Navia, Mary Rodríguez, Socorro Vivas, Luiza Tomita, 2016
Elementary Probability Theory with Stochastic Processes
Kai Lai Chung, 1979
Changing Central-Local Relations in China: Reform and State Capacity
eter Tsan-Yin Chung, 2019
Il coreano per italiani. Corso intermedio. Livello A2 del quadro comune europeo di riferimento per le lingue (Vol. 2)
Antonetta Lucia Bruno, Giovanni Volpe, Somin Chung, Yoonjung Oh, 2019
Public Sector Strategy Design: Theory and Practice for Government and Nonprofit Organizations
David McNabb; Chung-Shingh Lee, 2020
Elementary Probability Theory
Kai Lai Chung, Farid AitSahlia, 2003
Change in Use of Land: A Practical Guide to Development in Hong Kong
Lawrence Wai-Chung Lai; Daniel Chi-Wing Ho; Hing-Fung Leung, 2017
Modern Korean Literature: An Anthology 1908-65
Chung, Chong-Wha, 2015
Modern Korean Literature: An Anthology 1908-65
Chung Chong-Wha, 2015
Radcases Emergency Radiology (Radcases Plus Q&A)
Eugene Yu, Nasir Jaffer, TaeBong Chung, Ali M. Naraghi, Dheeraj Rajan, Kieran Murphy, Martin O'Malley, 2015
Cone Beam CT of the Head and Neck: An Anatomical Atlas
Chung H. Kau, Kenneth Abramovitch, Sherif Galal Kamel, Marko Bozic, 2010
Radiology Illustrated: Chest Radiology
Kyung Soo Lee, Joungho Han, Man Pyo Chung, Yeon Joo Jeong, 2013
Town Planning in Hong Kong: A Review of Planning Appeals
Lawrence Wai-chung Lai, 1999
General Continuum Mechanics
T. J. Chung, 2007
New Democracy and Autocratization in Asia
Kuyoun Chung, Wonbin Cho, 2022
Markov Processes, Brownian Motion, and Time Symmetry
Kai Lai Chung, John B. Walsh, 2005