نتایج جستجو

Managing Social Anxiety: A Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy Approach (Treatments That Work)
Debra A. Hope, Richard G. Heimberg, Cynthia L. Turk, 2010
Development Banks and Sustainability in the Andean Amazon
Rebecca Ray; Kevin P Gallagher; Cynthia A Sanborn, 2021
Affectual Erasure: Representations of Indigenous Peoples in Argentine Cinema
Cynthia Margarita Tompkins, 2018
Inventing Disaster: The Culture of Calamity from the Jamestown Colony to the Johnstown Flood
Cynthia A. Kierner, 2019
El Perú hacia 2062: pensando juntos el futuro
José Bonifaz, Carlos Casas, Cynthia Sanborn, Bruno Seminario, Roberto Urrunaga, Enrique Vásquez, Gustavo Yamada, Alejandra Zegarra, 2013
Material de consulta para el docente en contextos de diversidad lingüística: estructuras contrastivas guaraní-español, quechua-español
Lucía Golluscio, Florencia Ciccone, Marta Krasan, Cynthia Audisio, Mayra Juanatey, Juan Krojzl, Mariana Rodríguez, 2017
Exploring cause and explanation : historical ecology, demography, and movement in the American Southwest
Cynthia Herhahn (editor); Ann Felice Ramenofsky (editor), 2016
La Fundación Ford y el cambio social en América del Sur, 1962-2012
Cynthia Sanborn, Alejandra Villanueva, (eds.), 2019
La comida como cultura
María Matarazzo, (autora), Nikolái Ivánovich Vavilov, William Mitchell, Melvyn Goldstein, Cynthia Beall, Silvestre Silva, Helena Tassara, Lin Yutang, Nicola Zingarelli, Ada Boni, Mariella Balbi, Fernando Cabieses, Sara Beatriz Guardia, Josie Sison, Nicolás Puga, Tu Xi, 2010
Building Stalinism: The Moscow Canal and the Creation of Soviet Space
Cynthia Ruder, 2018
From Where We Stand: War, Womens Activism and Feminist Analysis
Cynthia Cockburn, 2013
A word from our sponsor : admen, advertising, and the golden age of radio
Cynthia B. Meyers, 2014
The Complete Idiot's Guide to Shakespeare's Plays
Cynthia Greenwood, 2010
Inventive Minds: Marvin Minsky on Education (The MIT Press)
Marvin Minsky, Cynthia Solomon (editor), Xiao Xiao (editor), 2019
The Brothers of Romulus: Fraternal Pietas in Roman Law, Literature, and Society
Cynthia J. Bannon, 2001
Davis's Drug Guide for Nurses
April Hazard Vallerand, Cynthia A. Sanoski, 2020
Tierra de huipiles. Cuentos de la región Triqui (Otomí)
Julio Hueto, Cynthia Fabela, 2021
Handbook of Pediatric Retinal OCT and the Eye-Brain Connection
Cynthia A. Toth MD, 2019
Myth, Memory, and Massacre: The Pease River Capture of Cynthia Ann Parker (Grover E. Murray Studies in the American Southwest)
Paul H. Carlson, Tom Crum, 2010
Thinking Beyond Capitalism: An African American Alternative
Cynthia Hamilton, 2014
Victor's Adventures in Spain: A Parallel Text and Audio Spanish Workbook
Cynthia Smith-Durán, 2015
Terrifying Texts: Essays on Books of Good and Evil in Horror Cinema
Cynthia J. Miller; A. Bowdoin Van Riper, 2018
辛西娅.史托克斯.布朗(Cynthia Stokes Brown), 2017
Inventive Minds: Marvin Minsky on Education
Marvin Minsky; Cynthia Solomon; Xiao Xiao, 2019