نتایج جستجو

Estéticas do digital: Cinema e Tecnologia
Manuela Penafria, Índia Mara Martins (Org.)
Converging Traditions in the Digital Moving Image: Architectures of Illusion, Images of Truth
François Penz, Brian Ashbee, Terence Wright, FranCois Penz, Maureen Thomas, 2002
Digital Fabrications: Architectural and Material Techniques
Lisa Iwamoto, 2009
Digital Formations: IT and New Architectures in the Global Realm
Robert Latham, Saskia Sassen, 2005
Digital System Test and Testable Design: Using HDL Models and Architectures
Zainalabedin Navabi (auth.), 2011
Adobe Photoshop Elements 5.0: A visual introduction to digital photography
Philip Andrews, 2006
Adobe Photoshop Elements 7: A Visual Introduction to Digital Photography
Philip Andrews, 2008
Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 2 for Digital Photographers Only (For Only)
Rob Sheppard, 2008
Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 2: A Digital Photographer's Guide
David Huss, David Plotkin, 2008
Advanced Digital Black and White Photography
John Beardsworth, 2007
Advanced Photoshop Elements 4.0 for Digital Photographers, First Edition
Philip Andrews, 2006
Advanced Photoshop Elements for Digital Photographers
Philip Andrews, 2004
Alternative Digital Photography
John G. Blair, 2007
An Introduction to Digital Audio (Music Technology)
John Watkinson, 1994
Desktop Audio Technology: Digital audio and MIDI principles (Music Technology)
Francis Rumsey, 2003
Digital Music Making for Teens
Andrew Lee Hagerman, 2004
Apple Aperture 3: A Workflow Guide for Digital Photographers
Ken McMahon, Nik Rawlinson, 2010
Beginning Digital Image Processing: Using Free Tools for Photographers
Sebastian Montabone, 2010
Beginning Digital Image Processing: Using Free Tools for Photographers
Sebastian Montabone, 2010
Better Available Light Digital Photography
Joe Farace, Barry Staver, 2008
Better Available Light Digital Photography
Joe Farace, Barry Staver, 2008
CANON DSLR: The Ultimate Photographer's Guide (Digital Workflow)
Christopher Grey, 2007