نتایج جستجو

Quo Vadis, Graph Theory: A source book for challenges and directions
John Gimbel, John W. Kennedy, Louis V. Quintas, 1993
Aha! Solutions (MAA Problem Book Series)
Martin J. Erickson, 2008
Hungarian olympiad problem book
E. Rapaport, 1975
Hungarian olympiad problem book 2
Jozsef Kurschak, Elvira Rapaport, 1963
Hungarian olympiad problem book 3
Andy Liu, 2001
Hungarian problem book I: Based on the Eotvos competitions 1894-1905
E. Rapaport, 1975
Hungarian problem book II: Based on the Eotvos competitions 1906-1928
Jozsef Kurschak, Elvira Rapaport, 1963
Problems from the book
Aigner M., Ziegler G.M., 2008
Proofs from THE BOOK
The Book of Numbers
John H. Conway, Richard K. Guy, 1996
The contest problem book
Salkind C., 1961
The contest problem book
Salkind C., 1961
The contest problem book IV: annual high school examinations, 1973-1982
Ralph A. Artino, Anthony M. Gaglione, Niel Shell, 1982
The Contest Problem Book IV: Annual High School Examinations, 1973-1982
Ralph A. Artino, Anthony M. Gaglione, Niel Shell, 1982
The Contest Problem Book IX
J. Douglas Faires, David M. Wells, David M. Wells, J.Douglas Faires, 2008
The Math Teacher's Book of Lists
Judith A. Muschla, Gary Robert Muschla, 1994
The USSR Olympiad problem book: selected problems and theorems of elementary mathematics
D. O. Shklarsky, N. N. Chentzov, I. M. Yaglom, 1993
This Book Needs No Title: Paradoxes, Labyrinths and Conundrums
Raymond Smullyan, 1986
What is the name of this book?: The riddle of Dracula and other logical puzzles
Raymond M Smullyan, 1978
Wohascum County Problem Book
George T. Gilbert, Mark Krusemeyer, Loren C. Larson, 1996
Wohascum County Problem Book
George T. Gilbert, Mark Krusemeyer, Loren C. Larson, 1996
Key to Algebra Book 8 Graphs
Julie King, Peter Rasmussen, 1990
Quo Vadis, Graph Theory?A Source Book for Challenges and Directions
John Gimbel, John W. Kennedy and Louis V. Quintas (Eds.), 1993