نتایج جستجو

Advanced UNIX Programming
Marc J. Rochkind, 2004
AIX 5L Differences Guide Version 5.2 Edition
IBM Redbooks, Marc Bouzigues, 2002
≪UML≫ 2002 — The Unified Modeling Language: Model Engineering, Concepts, and Tools 5th International Conference Dresden, Germany, September 30 – October 4, 2002 Proceedings
Michael Jackson (auth.), Jean-Marc Jézéquel, Heinrich Hussmann, Stephen Cook (eds.), 2002
Executable UML: A Foundation for Model-Driven Architecture
Stephen J. Mellor, Marc J. Balcer, 2002
≪UML≫ 2002 — The Unified Modeling Language: Model Engineering, Concepts, and Tools 5th International Conference Dresden, Germany, September 30 – October 4, 2002 Proceedings
Michael Jackson (auth.), Jean-Marc Jézéquel, Heinrich Hussmann, Stephen Cook (eds.), 2002
Adobe AIR: Create - Modify - Reuse
Marc Leuchner, Todd Anderson, Matt Wright, 2008
Dreamweaver MX Developer Certification Study Guide
Marc Campbell, 2002
Active Directory By The Numbers: Windows Server 2003
Marc Hoffman, 2004
Frommer's 500 Adrenaline Adventures (500 Places)
Lois Friedland, Marc Lallanilla, Jennifer Swetzoff, Charlie O’Malley, 2010
Frommer's Australia 2010 (Frommer's Complete)
Lee Atkinson, Ron Crittall, Marc Llewellyn, Lee Mylne, 2009
Frommer's Australia from $50 a Day
Marc Llewellyn, Lee Mylne, 2004
Frommer's Australia from 50 a Day
Marc Llewellyn, Lee Mylne, 2004
Amination and Formation of sp2 C-N Bonds
Georgia S. Lemen, John P. Wolfe (auth.), Marc Taillefer, Dawei Ma (eds.), 2013
Analyzing Social Media Networks with Node: XL. Insights from a Connected World
Derek L. Hansen, Ben Shneiderman and Marc A. Smith (Auth.), 2011
Analyzing Social Media Networks with NodeXL: Insights from a Connected World
Derek Hansen, Ben Shneiderman, Marc A. Smith, 2010
Artificial Evolution: 6th International Conference, Evolution Artificielle, EA 2003, Marseilles, France, October 27-30, 2003, Revised Selected Papers
Michael Defoin Platel, Sebastien Verel, Manuel Clergue, Philippe Collard (auth.), Pierre Liardet, Pierre Collet, Cyril Fonlupt, Evelyne Lutton, Marc Schoenauer (eds.), 2004
Astronomy: A Physical Perspective
Marc L. Kutner, 2003
Advances in Magnetism: From Molecules to Materials
Joel S. Miller, Marc Drillon, 1999
Interfaces for the 21st Century: New Research Directions in Fluid Mechanics and Materials Science : A Collection of Research Papers Dedicated to Steven H. Davis in Commemoration of hi
Marc K. Smith, Michael J. Miksis, Geoffrey B. McFadden, G. Paul Neitzel, David R. Canright, Stephen H. Davis, 2002
Bifurcations of Planar Vector Fields: Proceedings of a Meeting held in Luminy, France, Sept. 18–22, 1989
Bernard Candelpergher, Francine Diener, Marc Diener (auth.), Jean-Pierre Françoise, Robert Roussarie (eds.), 1990
Cheap Shots, Ambushes, And Other Lessons: A Down And Dirty Book On Streetfighting & Survival
Marc Animal MacYoung, 1989
The Teacher's Survival Guide: Real Classroom Dilemmas and Practical Solutions
Marc R. Major, 2008
Artificial Evolution: 4th European Conference, AE'99 Dunkerque, France, November 3-5, 1999 Selected Papers
Cyril Fonlupt, Jin-Kao Hao, Evelyne Lutton, Edmund Ronald, Marc Schoenauer, 2000
Artificial Evolution: Third European Conference AE '97 Nîmes, France, October 22–24, 1997 Selected Papers
Fred Glover (auth.), Jin-Kao Hao, Evelyne Lutton, Edmund Ronald, Marc Schoenauer, Dominique Snyers (eds.), 1998